Saturday, April 2, 2016

The Silas Scarborough Galactic Peace Tour Cooking Show

Unknown if anyone bought it on the Candied Chicken Noodle Soup but, alas, it was complete bullshit and was only the pitiful attempt of the Rockhouse to greet April Fools Day.

We thought it might have some credibility because of some clearly disgusting things the Galactic Peace Tour Cooking Show has presented in the past such as olives with honey and a jalapeno.  That one was true and the combination was extraordinarily good but, alas, the story of Candied Chicken Noodle Soup is still complete bullshit.

The story even seems credible enough we might try it but we're not all that partial to sweet things.  Maybe we could send the idea to Heinz since they use more sugar in their ketchup than they use tomatoes.  They would probably make the stuff ... but we still probably wouldn't eat it.

(Ed:  you aren't seriously apologizing, are you?)

Bite yer tongue, matey.  This is still the Internet where no-one ever apologizes for anything although lately it does one hell of a lot of apologizing, and it should, for unleashing Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton on the world.  Many physicists believe when they come together there will be an antimatter annihilation sequence and both will disappear in a cloud of greasy and extremely-smelly dark smoke.

(Ed:  no apology today, huh?)

Not today, matey mate.

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