Saturday, April 23, 2016

"Terror Bugs" - Silas T Sasquatch (video)

Worry about whatever you like but I don't want this Zika virus.  Mosquitos are the number one killers on the planet and people worry about bombers.  So they can do whatever they like and we will try not to get bitten by a brown recluse spider.

Note:  video will be removed from YouTube.  Putting them out there is pointless.  People won't do anything in return even when it doesn't cost them anything (shrug).

It stops a bit abruptly as that's when I got busted although not by the sheriff.


Anonymous said...

And mans trying to eliminate mosquitos is a horrendous failure.
In the Duck and Caney rivers,one of the most diverse eco systems in the US, they have introduced fish to eat larvae. The problem is that they also eat minnow fry. Now those link in the food chain is now almost completely missing.
Oh yeah the mosquito population has not been diminished.
Man cant run his own life time to quit trying to run Mother Natures

Unknown said...

Definitely as nothing in the world comes close to the kill power of mosquitos. U.S. doesn't even get the worst ones but this Zika sounds ferociously evil. Microcephalic?? I even saw a few minutes ago how sciencers have found Zika whacks some special stem cells and these ones are the brain builders. They might have said it a bit better than that.

You know the mention of bats is for real but I don't know if their populations are up or down. I know sciencers want to try large numbers of lab mosquitos which have been sterilized to inhibit reproduction but I don't know of the success of it.

I don't want to get Howard Hughes about these things but it looks like there may well be reason.

Anonymous said...

The answer is the same as the bees. Bat boxes in peoples backyard.

Unknown said...

Sounds good to me. Yevette planted a huge patch of clover outside. I keep egging her on to chuck the seeds all over the lawn which is comprised of some kind of plants but few of them are grass.

Anonymous said...

or throw that and milkweed seefs like Johnny Appleseed

Unknown said...

I really don't think the Monarch is going to make it because I think he may have specialized himself out of existence. Their migration process is one of the most incredible examples of evolutionary biology shown in any organism as I seriously doubt if you took a human and then took progeny, five generations removed, then asked them where is the ancestral home ... poof ... no idea.

Unfortunately, it may well be the life cycle is wired too tight relative to habitat loss, etc. I hope people are still trying but they have a troubled future, I'm afraid.

Anonymous said...

Thier numbers are increasing

Unknown said...

Holy mackeral! I had read not so long ago it looked kind of grim for them. I don't mean to ping pong citations on the matter, I'm just surprised to hear now.

I do try to avoid the click bait science but it's getting better at disguising himself ... or ... my mind is melting like butter. Sometimes that happens.

Something else I read was regarding bees and the report said the CCD is mitigated to some extent and the problem still exists but there has been some improvement. That's not EVEN a cure but it is a bit of sunshine.

Anonymous said...

World Wildlife Fund lists the Feb count at 150m up dramatically from the previous year.
Counts are done at the end of each season Nov to Feb.
Mine are up substansially since I added milkweed to the fence row.
Plant it and they will come
The bees issues are the same grass roots hives.
The trucking of entire colonies all over the country to pollinate crops has to change. Sending them from South Carolina to Calif and back is too traumatic.
Grass roots is the solution for most problems

Unknown said...

It's a twisted process and shouldn't be done that way with bees but it does seem to have stabilized somewhat.

That's good news on the Monarchs and a surprise based on whatever I read, a much better surprise than reading the article as it looked like they were screwed.