Thursday, April 28, 2016

Hillary Clinton is Stealing the Election with Money ... So Steal It Back

There's only one objective:  ensure Hillary Clinton doesn't get away with the crime and make the safest selection for the country.  Bernie Sanders is the obvious preference but we've seen the DNC manipulation by Wasserman Schultz in Democrat voter lists, manipulation of media, etc to stop him.

OK then ...

The secondary objective is Donald Trump is deemed less likely to be militarily-aggressive whereas Hillary Clinton has shown repeatedly she has no morality whatsoever on such matters.  She's been a Muslim killer since she first had an opportunity to snuff one.

Therefore, if Hillary Clinton finds a way to kill the Bernie Sanders nomination, she won't get my vote but Donald Trump will.

The reasons are specific:  Donald Trump is mostly bullshit and the things he says he will do, just like Clinton, will never happen.  For example, that idiotic wall won't get built, his tax measures won't go into effect, and he really has no other ideas.  In short, lots of White House photo ops but just another political pickle of no consequence otherwise.

The reason his ideas won't happen is Republicans have a majority in Congress but they still can't get anything done because they have been eating each other for years.  Without them, Trump has nothing and (cough) half of them hate him (larfs).

Note:  gratuitous reference to Dennis Hastert eating children but I really don't particularly care about that pervert bastard.  It gives me no satisfaction to see that pigdog pedophile going to jail when none of the bankers in Wells Fargo went to jail for their proven corruption in 2008 (recent case).

So, moral perversion and off to jail but financial perversion is just the boys having fun.

As to Donald Trump being such a racist, I'm not convinced of that either.  The wall with Mexico is just campaign year stupidity but the evidence of racism beyond that seems skimpy.  He evicted an old black woman in Atlantic City so he could get her land for himself to build on it.  That makes him selfish, self-entitled asshole but it doesn't necessarily make him a racist.

There is no purpose to enlist (cough) debate regarding the qualities or lack of them in Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump since Abby Martin has covered every aspect of Hillary Clinton's corruption and Donald Trump is regarded as generally trivial relative to that; he's an institutional thief but not, thus far, a killer.

I have never in my life voted for a Republican and I have voted in favor of every school tax levy which ever came in front of me but I'm damned to Hell in a squeaky fookin' wheelbarrow if I vote for Hillary Clinton and she's so dangerous she must be stopped.

This has nothing to do with feminism but rather humanity and Hillary Clinton is entirely bereft of it except as a political tool.

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