Saturday, April 2, 2016

Debbie Riddle, Why the North Wants to Lose the Next Civil War

Contrary to the self-congratulating belief of the South, the North will not fight to keep them or prevent them from seceding and the current election season gives an excellent justification for that.

Debbie Riddle, State Representative in Texas for the Houston area, is a prime example of why the North is embarrassed by the South, as is much of the world.  (Newslo:  Rep. Debbie Riddle Aims To “Ban Women Larger Than A C-Cup To Breastfeed In Public”)

Here's a pic so you can see for yourself why she is intimidated by a "C" cup:

Yah, Debbie Riddle in a tight sweater ... looks like me in a tight sweater.

Note:  why does she look so terrified??  There's something seriously creepy here.

(Ed:  Doctor Spock diagnosis is Major case of Headworms)

Good chance of that, mate.

Here's a list of her legislative successes:

Authored House Bill 1034, which added the words "one state under God," to the Texas State Pledge.

Note: no-one has ever heard the Texas State Pledge or otherwise has any idea what's in it.

Authored House Bill 1748, which would have jailed or fined transgender persons from using the public restroom (other public facilties) that did not fit their birth chromosomes.

Her daughter married an attorney named Butts and became a judge.  She took the married name of Riddle Butts so now the bailiff announces to the court, "Judge Riddle Butts presiding."

Note:  she breeds horses so there is no reason to believe she ever actually consummated a filthy sex act since she's more accustomed to watching creatures fucking than she is to doing it herself.

It's hard to believe one woman can accomplish so much, isn't it.  (WIKI:  Debbie Riddle)

Sometimes I am regretful I did not accomplish more in my life ... but then I see Debbie Riddle and I stop worrying about it.

The story isn't such a big deal and GOP candidates with predeluvian ideas of morality and behavior are hardly unique, particularly from Texas or anywhere else in the South.    Use of the GOP to rationalize personal inadequacies isn't so unique either (e.g. Cheney) but this cretin is so pitiful as to be banned from human contact forever.

(Ed:  what about Cheney?)

Yah, Cheney ... he adds dimension to America, doesn't he.  Texas is where they will bust some guy for climbing over a fence but Cheney gets a million people killed and they call him a hero.  One thing we know for sure about him, he must not have a "C" cup because they are so, well, completely disgusting, aren't they, and then they would have had to put him in jail.

Debbie Riddle, the kind of monkey who makes even Texans embarrassed to live here.

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