Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Hillary Clinton, the Death of the Womens Movement and of American Democracy

The biggest lie from the Hillary Clinton campaign is voting for her is better than voting for a Republican but the simple fact is she is a Republican and there's ample proof of it.

One of the most heinous examples of what the Clintons are willing to do to steal elections comes through Ricky Ray Rector but he won't be bringing the message.  Bill Clinton ordered his execution scheduled just before the 1992 primary in New Hampshire to show he is 'tough on crime.'  As we have seen, crime has gone to the stratosphere since Mister Tough on Crime took office.  (Blue Oregon:  President Clinton and the Execution of Ricky Ray Rector)

Ricky Ray Rector killed two people, true enough, but he put a bullet in his own head after that and blew up a substantial chunk of his forebrain.  When they executed him, he didn't even understand what they were doing and he tried to help them.  Even Arizona, Oklahoma, or Ohio, infamous for botched executions, can't touch touch the disgrace and abomination of what Bill Clinton did to Ricky Ray Rector.

For political purposes.

Note:  any comment regarding Bill Clinton applies equally to Hillary Clinton, just in case you forgot their campaign pitch of 'two for the price of one' and we have sure as hell discovered that price ever since ... somewhere around $100 million for Bill Clinton and somewhere around $45 million for Hillary Clinton.  You couldn't get a better deal than that outside of Honest Abe's Used Edsel Dealership.

There's no need to rehash the hypocrisy from Bill and Hillary Clinton regarding racial matters as Hillary Clinton yesterday thought she was being so witty with her second-rate Saturday Night Live shtick in which she tried to make a joke on 'colored peoples time.'  We can't imagine what Leslie Odom Jr from the play, "Hamilton," was thinking.  Why the hell did you do that, man?

Most of the audience didn't react but some actually thought it was funny.  We can be quite sure they were not black, however.  (RT:  Off-color: Hillary Clinton and NYC mayor spoof ‘Colored People Time’ joke, backlash ensues)

White privilege.  Look no farther than Hillary Clinton ... and, if you do, you will only find her daughter anyway.

As to whether Black Lives Matter with the Clintons, check the history and make up your own mind.  (New Republic:  The Clintons’ War on Drugs: When Black Lives Didn’t Matter)

Although they are rarely mentioned in the same breath, the escalation of America’s drug war in the 1990s and the rise of the Democratic Leadership Council (DLC) and its benighted son Bill Clinton are all intimately linked. - New Republic

The disproportionate enforcement of escalated crime laws in black communities had the effect of a massive sociological disruption to the black culture but also had the additional 'benefit' of going soft on white people with narcotics abuse and now there is an opiate epidemic of enormous proportion.

Thank the Clintons for that.

Hillary Clinton isn't just a Republican as it doesn't mean much when they're such an unimaginative lot but she's worse because in pretending she is not a Republican she marginalizes the Democratic Party further alienating the real Democrats within it.  The others went to Facebook and there Clinton can tell them anything and they will believe it.  You would not find a less discerning bunch in a fish tank full of guppies.

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