Friday, April 22, 2016

Understanding Pecker Wreckers

Nah, this isn't about bashing a woman but rather SSRI-type drugs which are popularly-known as 'pecker wreckers' because of what they do to your libido (i.e. destroy it).

(Ed:  is this a segue from Hillary Clinton?)

Inevitable progression, mate.

SSRI drugs don't affect everyone the same way but some percentage of people prescribed for them (e.g. Prozac, Paxil, etc) will lose interest in sex and may not even be able to pop a bone.

In response to this, the psychiatrist says, "Oh, we have something for that.  Yohimbe, you know."

That's when I completed my analysis of psychiatry and never went back.  Within a relatively-short time, my sex life recovered and sucked just as much as for everyone else.

(Ed:  is this more defensiveness about the ganja?)

It's information and you can take it as defensiveness if you will, Sergeant Saunders.

(Ed:  wtf is Sergeant Saunders?)

He was the main guy on "Combat" which was a team of tough guys working behind the lines and doing all manner of Incredibly Dangerous Things during WWII.  The show was a big hit in the early sixties and, wtf, I was twelve, what did I know.  He sticks in my head because he got croaked in such a bogus way, due to an accident on a movie set which was not his fault.

Note:  if you do not remember Burma Shave signs on a road trip, you are not old.  (Burma Shave Jingles)

(Ed:  what's that got to do with anything??)

Sergeant Saunders was a long time ago and so were they (shrug).

(Ed:  twenty-five cents a gallon for gasoline!)

Now you're getting it.

The negativity toward Big Pharma will inevitably look like defensiveness regarding ganja but the basis for the negativity stands regardless.  If you're having too much sex then sign up for some SSRI and that will stop.

(Ed: what is too much sex?)

Dunno.  Some journo on CNN asked that the other day as apparently that's what happens when your brain is completely melted by gamma rays.

(Ed:  you lose interest in sex?)

No, you become a journo.

Then we have Neil DeGrasse Tyson and that jolly, roly poly Santa Claus scientist has been bugging the hell out of me for some time, mostly because of the idiot memes which float about with his pithy sayings.

Always remember dinosaurs don't read billboards!

WTF, Neil?  wtf??

If Facebook is any example of the result of TV science, it doesn't fookin' work.  It looks like the man eats well, tho.

Today there was an example from him in a t-shirt which spells THINK using chemical symbols.  People were amazed by the Periodic Table and the page got over fifty thousand Likes.  Amazing what you can do with centuries-old science, isn't it.

(Ed:  like sell t-shirts?)


And, speaking of pecker wreckers, our favorite because we love you:

If you didn't love Prince previously, this will likely do it.


Anonymous said...

I prefer

Unknown said...

I thought maybe it's an obscure Prince song but struck out so I stared for a while trying to figure it out but, alas, struck out again.

Anonymous said...

Be more than average

Unknown said...

Oh geez ... I don't think I have seen a math joke before! (larfs)

A chemistry joke and a math joke within days of each other. Wow!