Sunday, April 17, 2016

Hillary Clinton, the White Queen of the Military/Industrial Complex

Hillary Clinton has signed-off on every aspect of the military/industrial complex and was pushing weapons like Johnny Appleseed with F-15s all over the Middle East.  That she tries to represent Democrats in doing this is the greatest threat insofar as it's known the GOP would rather build aircraft carriers than chocolate chip cookies.  The Democratic Party is supposed to be the Opposition but instead it has switched sides.

For everything important to the hippies in the sixties, Hillary Clinton is the worst possible answer and her encouragement of the travesty of the bombardment of Libya would get a song by itself in a second from Country Joe and the Fish.  She makes a mockery of every anti-war song of the sixties and since.

They just gave Vietnam another name
and they fight it just the same
There's no need for any outcome
There's no need to work it out
Y'all just keep on fighting
and we'll step up to that fat payday

Eisenhower warned strongly of the dangers of the military/industrial complex but the much wiser neo-cons scoffed at him and said, oh, it's good for the economy and jobs, you know.  Since then it's been a defense contractor free-for-all to see who can spend the most on the most ridiculous new weapon with the result being America now spends more than the next fifteen countries in the world combined for its military budget and you don't even see the black box budget.

We know Republicans will not do anything about it.  Hillary Clinton went to the International Crisis Group and gave a speech on the empowerment of woman through peacemaking.  This comes from the woman who specifically endorses taking out Assad in a military coup and wasting ISIS.  We therefore conclude she will not do anything about it either.

Hillary Clinton no more represents hippies than Damien represents Frosty the Snowman.

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