Saturday, January 4, 2014

The Visitors from the Future Who Live Among Us

We've seen various science-fiction movies in which people from the Future travel back in time to modify events in the Present to prevent some type of destructive event from happening.  It's logical that they would come back on that basis as they have a very high interest in the success of such a venture.

(Ed: that's impossible)

Now it is impossible but saying time travel will never be invented between now and the end of Time itself is just a wee bit presumptuous.

(Ed:  why would they come back to this time?)

Because we make the best chili (the Cincinnati Skyline variety, of course).

(Ed:  why don't they just make their own?)

Chili gets banned in 2019 along with all other food with higher fat content than a rice cake.

(Ed:  where did this lunatic idea originate?)


(Ed:  Why?)

Der Spiegel hat ein Artikel.  Das Artikel ist auf Deutsch aber Sie können es mit deine Browser übersetzen:  (Der Spiegel:  US-Forscher suchen Zeitreisende im Netz)

(The Mirror has an article.  The article is in German but you can translate it with your browser.  The Mirror:  US Researchers are Time Travelers in the Network)

It's an interesting bit as the researchers are going through Internet records to search for, say, Pope Francis.  Since he did not exist before a certain date if there is any reference to that name prior to that date then you have spotted a time traveler.

We don't know how many time travelers they have spotted so far.  Be ever vigilant.  Guard your chili.

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