Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Nancy Grace Talking Out of Both Sides of her Mouth (video)

This one has been billed as Nancy Grace debating herself but of course she doesn't, the video just shows examples of her taking opposite sides on her position on marijuana presumably because one side or the other pays better at any given moment.

That'll about do it for any more coverage of Nancy Grace as it's about as interesting as she ever gets.  She does look like she's getting more pudgy in the more recent pic, tho.  Maybe next we'll be seeing Jazzercise from Nancy Grace and she'll come out with a cookbook.  If you're saying she's not fat then I'll take a wild guess and say you're probably coming from Facebook.

It's all very well to protest the horrors broadcasting on Fox News but it doesn't mean a whole hell of a lot when there are people like Nancy Grace broadcasting for what is ostensibly the home team.  Get her fat ass out and over to Fox News where she belongs with all the other dimwitted blonde harpies.

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