Thursday, January 16, 2014

"Big Girls" Are Coming Back to Cat's Art MusikCircus

"Big Girls" is a song by Sonya Jevette and it became so much a signature that people wouldn't let her leave the stage until she sang it.  At the same time, tho, Sonya writes a whole lot of songs, quite a bit more frequently than many musicians, so maybe she wants to do those more.  And what all that means is I don't know what songs she will sing when she comes back tonight.  She hasn't played in Cat's Art MusikCircus for some months and she's been playing real world gigs in the meantime in Austin so there's no telling what she may do.

The plan is for Sonya Jevette to sing at 1pm SLT and I will follow her at 2pm SLT.  You can probably guess that following Sonya I won't be likely to sing anything.  For most that will result in a sigh of relief.

Sonya is very much a Texas girl so I don't know if she will want bubbles.  We'll see what happens tonight.

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