Thursday, January 30, 2014

As to the Gig in Flames

Armand at Dirty Dancing Warehouse was very cool and exceedingly generous about the problem last night and he said he's game for one more try next Wednesday.  It's more of a big deal to me than it would be otherwise as this is the first live show he has staged in Second Life.  I'm not just representing myself but also Cat for recommending me and even SL jammers in general as enough of a problem with this and perhaps he swears off live performers and just runs radio shows instead.

It's been random noise in the Universe that has blown the gigs the last two weeks as neither could have been predicted.  It was particularly aggravating yesterday to have the Internet blow two hours before show time leaving no way to contact anyone to tell what had happened.  It seemed the Internet problems of Greece and Scotland had been left behind so Cat had no idea what had gone wrong.

Tonight I will play at Cat's Art MusikCircus and Sonya Jevette will play the first set.  I'll probably do something like I was going to do last night but that's an easy prediction as there's only one thing I know for sure I was going to do.  Maybe the title goes "Is It Cool Enough for Cat" as I've been playing with it for a few days and thinking about it.  Probably tonight I will find out if it's cool enough for Cat.

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