Thursday, January 16, 2014

"Love is a Gamble / Don't Forget Me When I'm Gone" - Cleanskins (video)

The Cleanskins Christmas Jam at the Lazy Bones Lounge.

The Cleanskins are an Australian band and two of the members are Lacey Lohner (Shan Chard) and Lugg Lohner.  This is the show for which Shan had sneaked out of the hospital to perform.

Here she is with her own words:

So I snuck out of the hospital with hubby last night, just to play for the 40 minute set, still bald, with a drip catheter in my arm, but looking fab in my Christmas dress! Lol! Hubby snuck me back in. Nurse said I was mad! But it was worth it, 100 people calling out for encores makes you feel alive, and the owner was extremely happy with us!

There will be a show for Shan this week-end and I'll be playing but it started to become clear over the last couple of days that she might not be able to attend.  Tonight we learn that she won't but the show will happen anyway as spirits are never lost and love never dies.  She will be at the show, she just won't have exactly the seat we had hoped.

Goodbye, Shan.  You make us all want to do it better.

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