Sunday, November 13, 2016

The Skunk Squirting and Jim Crow Pie Baking Contest of 2016

No police cars seem to be burning tonight but there are four years to burn more of them.

Oh, God, how I love the smell of burning cop cars in the morning - "Apocalypse Now"

Cops and rich people just want po' people to die so we don't give a fuck about what happens to them any more than they give a fuck about anyone but themselves.

After that pitiful exercise in skunk squirting, fifty percent of eligible voters were so disgusted with that entire lot we didn't even show up to vote ... but we still got blamed for the outcome (larfs).

Ed:  too many stinky polecats?

Nothin' but stinky polecats!

Trump got about 25% of the vote and Clinton roughly the same although Harambe got 1500 or 15,000 votes but Clintonistas have not yet blamed the gorillla for her trouncing.  She can blame the Left if she likes because we got fed-up with being charged with all the bullshit the neoliberals (i.e. Republicans) have been doing and we didn't support it.  Trump never would have won otherwise; the Democrats just had a candidate who was even even shittier than usual and she lost.

The thing we don't know is, with Clinton's obfuscating effect out of it, could Trump have beaten a dead gorilla.  Frankly, we don't think so.

Ed:  what about the Jim Crow Pie Baking Contest?

Since the election there were two hundred or so hate crimes so it looks like the Jim Crow Pie Baking Contest is well underway.  It's unclear whether the Redneck Racist is more dangerous than the White Collar Racist but right now we have both and hence the contest.  When people 'come out' today, we don't know if it will be as gay or as a racist.  If someone 'comes out' as a gay racist, we will be thinking, dayum, you're one mixed-up motherfucker, aren't you.

All that's come from the election is now America is confirmed as being full to the gills with gypsy fortune tellers and all of them warn what comes but none deal with the fact that right now Trump is being pressed into Jello-O molds of state conformity by the 'CIA intelligence' crowd so we'll see what comes out of his plans after that.

Vulture:  patience, my ass.  I want to kill something.

He won't get stabbed since either the Right does it for money or the far Left does it for cause but we don't see any live causes in the country and we couldn't be bothered to vote or assassinate.

Ed:  what about the neolibs?

They're just fat fuckers who gave up when they realized, oh hell, cops shoot white people too.  Meanwhile, George Clooney quietly weeps.

Ed:  fuck 'im!

Well, someone did but she doesn't live with him.  He done got squirted by a skunk.  Boo hoo.

Mostly it's quiet just now so we're waiting until the food riots start.  Enjoy the austerity programs and it will feel, ooh, so European.

Embrace the Anarchy!


Anonymous said...

It rained in Portland last night so the anarchists stayed home. So the demostrartion was peaceful and uneventful.

Unknown said...

I guess that's what stopped it everywhere else as well? There's nothing in mainstream about anything last night and I don't subscribe to the Anarchy mags.