Sunday, November 13, 2016

"The Death of Marat"

"The Death of Marat" is a painting by Jacques-Louis David.

Jean-Paul Marat was a revolutionary writer who was assassinated by Charlotte Corday but that crime backfired when Marat became a martyr for the cause as a result.  Unknown if Corday wore red.  (WIKI:  The Death of Marat)

Note:  Marat's ascension after his assassination gives one of the few opportunities we ever see for using apotheosis or being 'elevated to divinity.'

Marat was deeply-involved with equal rights for everyone regardless of circumstance and he was also an associate of Robespierre who was a large part of Thomas Jefferson's inspiration.  (WIKI:  Jean-Paul Marat)

This depiction seems to be all remaining of Charlotte Corday:

It's important to keep the perspective of time since this was not in the lead-up to the French Revolution but rather it was during the aftermath.

In the modern incarnation and if I may be permitted to strike the pose of Marat, say there's a revolution right now to depose Trump.  All that would come in that aftermath is a Clintocracy and, as Marat, I would continue writing because now we would need a damn second revolution.  In this example, Cher would stab me because she doesn't want to move out of the country even if it is a Clintonocracy.

Alas, poor Marat.

Following the history, Cher would be executed four days later.  Bang, bang, we shot you down.


Anonymous said...

I opened a travel agency and real estate firm in Canada to allow all the Hollywooders to honor thier commitments.
Jon Stewart will probably have to talk to Musk though as I dont have c access to any rockets.

Anonymous said...

So how long does the government allow these punk kids to tear up the city before they shut them down.
Amazing how quiet the left is decrying the destruction. Are the same people Clintons people paid at Trump rallies.
It is a very sad state for America. Dont like the result tear it down.
As your pronounce Enjoy the Chaos.
Maybe you will get the Revolution you keep hoping for. And millions will die mostly your neighbors.
But there wont be a Phoenix to arise from the rubble. Just another pile of rubble with piles of dead bodies

Anonymous said...

But more likely, a,few of the anachists will get bloody noses and then decide the revoluton wasnt such a good idea

Unknown said...

The Left has nothing to do with Clinton rallies and has nothing to do with these riots. What we're seeing is a cage fight between conservatives and the Left was thrown out of it at the start. The Left is anti-war and has been that way for centuries.

This is only the early anarchy since the Black Queen had to be sacked for the long game to keep Ryan out and to set up Bernie in 2020 after Trump has shit all over the bed. Trump runs again and Ryan tries to Clinton him but, like her, fails because there's only so much an android can do. As you saw with the Clintobot, if she got off the script she was fucked and didn't know what to do.

The "Les Mis" anarchy is what comes if it boils before the next election and that could be one grand show with a whole lot of fireworks. Marat just sits on the sidelines thinking, 'Fuckin' people. This could have been easy.'

Unknown said...

Jon Stewart ain't goin' make it. He's another Clintonocrite.

Anonymous said...

I suggest you look for a new Messiah. The Bern will be 80 in 2020.
The new political force of the Hispanics will control the next election, being fiercely nationalistic will want one of thier own in the mix.
So unless the Southwest leaves the Union the next first will be a Hispanic President.
The Left can only hope for Trump not to improve the economy as most elections show if the masses have more money they dont ask for change.
Only the far rught and far left vite thier conscience, the rest vote thier wallet

Unknown said...

Tulsi Gabbard is the only Democrat female who came out of that skunk squirting contest with any honor so she would be a fine Messiah. She's not Hispanic but she's damn sure not an old rich white guy and Cadillac Man will be more than happy to tell you it's been old rich white guys in the White House almost unanimously.

The Left isn't hoping he will trash it, we know it. Republicans typically are penny wise and pound foolish. Trump has said in the last few days the tax on the rich will go down by 30% and he has no offset so it's just more grandstanding which increases the debt and the tax burden on everyone. He has no useful ideas for domestic policy and has said already his plan is to destroy things. For that, America could have kept Obama.

He would save money in pulling out of NATO, assuming that's not bullshit but that's not likely to pay for his tax cut. It's the same short-sighted Reaganoid thinking of the eighties.

Anonymous said...

I think you tax rates decreases are high. But personal rate decreases are not the answer.
Reducing the corporate tax rate allowing the overseas profits to be brought here. And allowing a better competitive arena.
And eliminating inheritance tax. My kids should lose everything that I have worked for. I can avoid it with a life insurance policy but why should insurance companies get rich so that zi can give my kids what I own

Cadillac Man said...

I agree that the state of the economy will play the biggest role in the next four years. There was lots of civil unrest over social and military issues in the late 60s and early 70s under Nixon. The war economy continued to hum along and he won in 1972 by s landslide over the peace candidate, George McGovern. Old rich white guys haven't always been the president. However, They have always had a great influence on who becomes the president.

Unknown said...

It doesn't take Jeanne Dixon to predict where this economy is going (larfs). Embrace the Madness!

Anonymous said...

If you knew the economy was going to take off because Trump was elected you are much smarter than most of Wall St.
As they had Clinton listed as more friendly to Wall St and business than Trump because of his willingness to stop TPP and negotiate NAFTA.
His willingness to reduce Corporate tax rates will allow trilluons of overseas profits to be brought in and taxed. The ensuing increase in GDP should increase tax revenues. A lower percentage on a bigger number. Add to that reduce spending and it is possible to have a flat budget. Which we haventbseen since the last year of Bill Inc.
He could easily add revenue by allowing the illegals to leagalize and pay into the system. As presently they can draw on the system. While that is not a huge number ir solves many issues. But I dont think the GOP wants those votes out against them.

Anonymous said...

I havent done much researcg on hard number but if overseas profits come home about $2.5T to $3T even at his proposed tax rate of 15% is $300B to $400B. Which in my world is a game changer. That does not account for an increase in dollar turns based on an increase in GDP or how is spent or used to balance the budget.
This will have to be tied to closing corporate loopholes or it is of less value.

Unknown said...

Dunno where you read the economy would do well under Trump but it wasn't from me.

Numbers for the future don't matter much regardless of which party is pushing them. One number we never see is what the Fed debt would be if Clinton had reversed Reagan's tax cuts. For Reaganoid derivatives he's, thus far, the rock bottom worst and Obama didn't do anything either. I keep hearing rubbish about the Left but we haven't been in the game in decades. I did vote previously ... for Obama. After one more betrayal after Clinton, the evidence showed voting was pointless since I was just winding up with Republicans anyway.

Anonymous said...

Is that what your Dixon futures is implying
Who cares what would have happen 30 years ago. It didnt.
Hate Reagan all you want he lowered interest rates from the Carter years where they pushed 18%. And set off o b e of the strongest bull markets that lasted almost through the Clinton years.

Anonymous said...

Is that what your Dixon futures is implying
Who cares what would have happen 30 years ago. It didnt.
Hate Reagan all you want he lowered interest rates from the Carter years where they pushed 18%. And set off o b e of the strongest bull markets that lasted almost through the Clinton years.

Unknown said...

Yah, you support trickle down. Already got that.

Peak tax rate was WWII and secondarily during Vietnam. America's greatest prosperity for everyone was in the post-WWII period and we can play this crap all day long but you're right that it doesn't matter. America and Reagan decided it won't ever pay off the debt and the interest payments aren't that bad. Then they lecture about financial responsibility but don't understand why no-one listens.

Anonymous said...

America is the deciding factor to payimg off the debt. No matter who goes in they try and outspend the last to achieve some unrealistic agenda.
Reagan was at 6% GDP deficit. Obama doubled that as has almost eveyone in between. Left Right they all line the pockets of thier friends and supporters.
I support lowering corporate tax rates. And reducing capital gains
Personal income tax rates are fine I dont care if they go up or down. If they go up I need to make more, if they go down I get a raise.
You cant lower the bottom end as they dont pay tax unless you eliminate tne lottery

Anonymous said...

I dont support any politician that spends more than they make. It is not sustainable.
As always put in whatever program you want just pay for it in cash

Unknown said...

For me, it's much less about individual politicians as the overall trend and the percentage has been going down since WWII while the debt hits a new record every day. The rate went back up temporarily to try to pay for Vietnam but nothing ever happened in that way to pay for the Middle East chaos and, what do you know, the debt skyrockets.

Corporate tax rates are so convoluted it takes a PhD to sort it out and that's a large part of the disease. It seems logical that any corporate tax will be passed on to the consumer but they have made such a mess out of it all.

If you're talking about spanking short-term market speculation then that's an easy deal to make. If you're going to invest then invest. Otherwise, go to Vegas.

Unknown said...

Your logic is clear on spending more than you make this this spender cut his own 'salary' with the tax cut and it just goes around in circles after that.

Anonymous said...

The percentage has not been going down since WWII. In the Reagan years Stockman was,very concerned when it approached 6%. And it went up to 12% with Obama. In the last 30 years it has gone from 2T with Reagan to almost 20T today. The percentage decreases because GDP increases. It still $20Trillion and is not sustainable.
One can not overspend thier means by 20 or 30% year in and year out. It just doesnt work. As the economy heats up again as it is showing then interests rates will come off thier artificial lows and the interest payments on 20T become far more unmanageable.
One can almost balance the present budget by bringing overseas profits to the US. It would yield about $300B and the projected budget shortfall is about $500B. That kind of cash inflow would make any of Obama and Bush stimulus package look miniscule as it would be ongoing, And making the personal income tax cuts less eventful. Unlike Trump while a personal tax cut would put more money in the private sector, I am fine leaving rates high and using that money against the deficit.
This is not trickle down economics as personal incone at the lower level will not necessarily increase unless they are saving or investing and capturing thise gains. But it will increase overall tax revenues.

Unknown said...

I remain to be convinced of any sensibility, particularly after the new B-21 is now being touted and runaway military spending shows no sign of slowing. It will be convincing if Trump has the balls to slash these pork barrel projects.

Anonymous said...

He will soend military crazy just like the rest if them

Unknown said...

It's not looking too good for that and he's just appointed Goldman Sachs to the Treasury. That revolving door into the White House has been there for far too long.