Sunday, August 21, 2016

Twitticisms 8/21 - 1

08-21-2016 03:26:44 - Ryan Lochte is a swimmer and someday a shark will eat him. Piss the fuck off. Get a Caitlyn Jenner transplant. Kee-rist, go away.
08-21-2016 03:25:30 - Ryan Lochte is too much of a self-important fuckwad to know when to shut the fuck up with one slimy ass excuse after the other.
08-21-2016 03:21:55 - FBI and John Ashcroft failed to deliver the information on 9/11 and CIA didn't even know about it. How many times do they need to fuck up?
08-21-2016 03:21:00 - CIA and @NSAGov were charged by Bush with supplying false information which 'justified' the Iraq invasion. One fuck up after the other.
08-21-2016 03:19:32 - Wondering just how many times @NSAGov has to fuck up before the idea glimmers maybe those clusterfuckers have no idea what they're doing.
08-21-2016 03:18:24 - Vermin Supreme is the best candidate for President because he will buy everyone the pony we never had
08-21-2016 03:17:32 - @YevetteN she's a crooked horror who should be in jail for accepting money from Saudi terrorists
08-21-2016 03:16:03 - @YevetteN because God loves white the most. That's why he gives us skin cancer (larfs).
08-21-2016 03:11:58 - Looks like I found some dissidents this evening. Righty, right, mates. Carry on with assaulting public sensibilities but never any guns.
08-21-2016 03:10:20 - No, no, Queenie. Don't take off the jewelry as it makes me so hot. Signed - Markie Mark
08-21-2016 03:09:02 - Queen Victoria, most prudish woman until Baptists invented. Now imagine her frolicking naked.  Zuckerberg does.
08-21-2016 03:05:13 - Maybe Apple's Tim Cook gives money to Clinton while saying nothing about the Goldman Sachs transcripts ... because he's in them.
08-21-2016 03:01:05 - Mark Zuckerberg is the kind of twisted bitch who has sex dreams about Queen Victoria frolicking naked in her garden but then he wakes up.
08-21-2016 02:56:33 - @YevetteN Zuckerberg is a stiff-ass prig who doesn't have the balls of a dormouse
08-21-2016 02:54:54 - @YevetteN they're such prudish pitfart poltroons on Facebook
08-21-2016 02:54:25 - @YevetteN not precisely sure what smoked the one when it croaked on reentry but reviewed and that's essentially what happened.
08-21-2016 02:50:39 - At least 30 dead, 94 injured in Turkey wedding bombing | They say nothing when Saudi terrorists bomb a hospital in Yemen |
08-21-2016 02:50:24 - Ithaka Blog: May Even Be Some Improvement: Between seven pm and two am, I was horizontal and sleeping most of...
08-21-2016 02:27:05 - RT @RobinHoodTax: When wages do not go up as fast as the cost of everything we create a country in debt. Exactly what the banks want.

Take it easy, Baptists, and use any word you like.  Couldn't use Muslims because I knew when they were invented.  Same with Mormons.  Whatever your preference, go with it.  Makes no difference to me but I'm sure you have one (larfs). 

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