Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Trauner BOCKLEDER-TRETER - Holzhacker-Plattler (video) | Germans Are Big Fun

Part of the German Maibaum (May Tree) tradition which has a long history.  Villages will try to steal the Maibaum from other villages and it's a woeful village which fails to protect its tree.

Although part of it, the tradition is not at all focused on May Day but it gets the same treatment as everything else in Germany:  they have a ball with it.

The biggest political tragedy around is how Merkel has been slammed around because of Obama's incompetent foreign policy and America's unwillingness to accept the refugees which come from it.  That they tolerate America in any way is an ongoing surprise.  They're a remarkably generous people.

Note:  before throwing Hitler at me, do consider how American evangelicals caused the largest genocidal slaughter of homosexuals since Hitler by inculcating Africans with the most hateful aspects of American Christianity to create the American fear and hatred of homosexuals in them.  Widespread death resulted.

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