Sunday, August 7, 2016

The Passion (cough) for the Summer Olympics

With those ratings, you couldn't even sell a game show.

RT asks

Thank you for voting!

Which stories from the Rio Olympics are you following most closely?

  • 16%

    - I am focused on the sporting performances and medal rankings

  • 4%

    - Doping speculation & exposés 

  • 10%

    - Reports of Brazil's corruption and organizational problems

  • 70%

    - I don’t care about Rio 2016

For me the Olympics only show rich people at play and they have destroyed any aspect of amateur competition when the Games are loaded with pro athletes.  Unknown if that's also true for the Winter Olympics but it doesn't seem so, at least not so much.

Consider taking the modern Olympic athletes back to the original Olympia and just how long do you think it would be before rotten fruit and vegetables start flying through the air.  The Greeks competed for the sport but the Moderns only compete for the money.  Pfft.


Winter Olympics have ice hockey and that's loaded with pros.  Absolutely worthless.

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