Monday, August 8, 2016

During the Hottest Time in Texas ... Cut Off the Water

There was no notice beyond the one we saw as either Yevette or I would have seen any other.  The red cut-off notice was posted on the door and they cut it off two hours later.

We don't care.  We don't have to.

There's no obvious evidence of racism but it's arguable living in a Hispanic neighborhood had something to do with it.  This is the same logic as Nestle:  if you can't afford the water, you don't deserve to have it.

If America gets any more medieval they will likely bring back jousting as, wtf, it's another way to kill each other.  There's no way to fully appreciate the savagery of the country unless you live here and it's worse than anywhere else in the world except conflict zones in third-world nations, most of which America caused.

There's no need for an extended rant as you have already seen how Rick Snyder of Michigan sat by while the water of Flint, MI, was poisoned with lead and he was instrumental in it happening.  Of course he got away with it as they always do.

Note:  this was on Thursday or Friday and the water has since been restored ... by Lili Tomlin.  (Blog:  We Don't Care. We Don't Have to - Lili Tomlin (video))


Anonymous said...

How is it racism? They have cut off my water 3 times in the last year for missed payments of less than $45 ea . They have cut off my daughters apt water twice for non payment.
It is economic not racist. They request payment for thier product or service.
I suppose you will tell me that is a right. Just Obama has said internet service is a basic human necessity and is included in entitlement services.

Unknown said...

I'm not making a case for racism but it's Texas and this is a Hispanic neighborhood so not at all difficult to believe.

Obama is useless for examples as he and Bush will go down as the worst Presidents in a long, long time, much for the same reasons.

Unknown said...

Something which is a right is the expectation Washington will behave responsibly and won't waste the future on idiotic imperialism

Anonymous said...

You said it is hispanic area so it would be arguable
Why does everything devolve to US imperialism

Unknown said...

Because it costs half the US budget and who does or does not have cable is just another smokescreen.