Sunday, August 7, 2016

Apple, the General Motors of Computing

There was "The Steve Jobs Movie" which showed his creative genius and the rise of Apple or at least I guess it did as I didn't watch it.  Now there needs to be "The Tim Cook Movie" which shows Apple's decline into just another marketing empire with nothing particularly innovative and no expectation anything will be in the near future.

The General Motors premise is based on the way they release Camaros.  It's a good-looking, fast machine but GM can't change it too much each year or the aficionados won't come back.

Apple does the same thing with iPhones and little else now as they release a new model each year.  iPhones are so easy to make every electronics shop in the world can provide analogs for them and, just like cars, they never change that much.

Note:  that comment applies just as much to a Mustang or whichever type of car tickles yer libido in any particular way.

Tim Cook's not-so-interesting dream is the Apple self-driving car and this part is seriously pitiful from the company which was once a leader but now is only one of the pack.  His other apparent dream of television couldn't possibly be more banal.  Steve Jobs made Apple unique but Cook made it what marketing 'experts' dream but the trouble is those buffoons are all over the Internet, often on Google, hustling their expertise in turning things to utter mediocrity.

A company which was once a leader in innovation now dreams of building a car, something so easy everyone and the rest of his family is doing it already.  If Cook wanted innovation, he should have talked to Elon Musk when he started doing it rather than when Cook got around to it.

Kee-rist ... it's a sad thing to see.

(Ed:  sad?)

Nah, it's closer to irritating seeing him reduce a leader to tapioca.

(Ed:  does his support for Clinton have anything to do with this?)

Nah, that's just another reason he doesn't deserve respect and we seriously question his judgment.

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