Saturday, June 11, 2016

William F. Buckley Jr Interviews Anthony Burgess (video) | From When Pundits Weren't Idiots

Even conservatives can be brilliant and William F. Buckley Jr was not only brilliant but also had a sharp wit and was funny.  There is no comedy in interviewing Anthony Burgess and it's not about "A Clockwork Orange."

Here are Burgess' views on university education and his teaching within it when his primary art was as a writer.  Something I did not know previously was Burgess' talent as a jazz musician.

The video comes from back when such minds were prized on television although not on the primary commercial networks.  This was on public broadcasting, the same one the GOP tries to eliminate because, gee, it costs too much.  That kind of argument works with people who never look at the budget (i.e. practically all voters).

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