Friday, June 17, 2016

Twitticisms 6/17 - 1

06-17-2016 06:58:37 - Man suspected of killing MP Jo Cox ‘long-time supporter of neo-Nazi National Alliance’ | With assistance from US
06-17-2016 06:53:38 - Ithaka Blog: So Much Reporting, So Little News: Now we have the glory of the situation in which reporters mak...
06-17-2016 06:30:01 - @BahdaAbden for any sin there will be punishment, accept God or you will burn for eternity, blah de blah
06-17-2016 06:13:10 - Fox reporter on Latina valedictorian: ‘I didn’t know Mexicans were that smart’ | We know Fox News reporters are not
06-17-2016 06:10:37 - Kareem Abdul-Jabbar: If ISIS Represents Islam, Then The KKK Represents Christianity (VIDEO)
06-17-2016 06:05:38 - Military Investigates 2 Marines for 'Coming to a gay bar near you' while holding assault rifle - via @ABC
06-17-2016 05:59:21 - Six Women Say This Seattle Man Posed as a Female Porn Recruiter | How to get chicks on Facebook fast
06-17-2016 05:52:09 - Pride & deploy: US cities on high alert amid security precautions | Will keep off Christian terrorists as well
06-17-2016 05:49:02 - ‘I don’t need war’: Bulgaria rules out joining NATO flotilla in Black Sea
06-17-2016 04:48:43 - @BahdaAbden unknown what verses promise Hell as the payment for sin. It's not exactly bed-side reading (larfs).
06-17-2016 04:13:05 - Ithaka Blog: All the Myriad Stars: It's not so much where is the life out there but rather where isn't there ...
06-17-2016 04:12:29 - Any foodstuff bereft of an alliaceous fundament is likely fit only for consumption by livestock.
06-17-2016 02:07:00 - Innovative device allows 3-D imaging of the breast with less radiation
06-17-2016 02:05:15 - Microsoft builds software for legal marijuana industry | Always moving IT ... well, somewhere
06-17-2016 02:04:13 - Liberty & drug tests for all: Lawmaker seeks to drug screen the rich | Some pols still bright enough for comedy
06-17-2016 02:02:44 - Hawks rising: Dozens of State Dept officials call for US strikes against Assad in Syria | Democrats? My dyin' ass!
06-17-2016 02:01:23 - Americans are so tuned to terror because Christianity has been teaching it for two thousand years. Conform or go to Hell, bitch.
06-17-2016 01:55:56 - May have to do a bit as a Muslim comedian talking about the Ark of Genesis in Kentucky as that must make them roll on the floor laughing.

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