Saturday, June 11, 2016

Trump is the Craziest, Most Dangerous One?

Most of the half-baked new age liberals believe George Bush and Dick Cheney were the most evil humans to walk the planet since the Wehrmacht and they were insofar as they reinstituted the Blitzkrieg in the genocidal turkey shoot they called Shock and Awe.  Sure enough, that was extremely vicious and evil with no possible hope of a positive outcome and, also sure enough, no positive outcome ever came.

Yep, they were definitely stone evil and so much so the GOP is still too ashamed of them to roll them out in any public forum so instead shuffles them around to expensive welfare dinners for the rich.

Cheney and Bush sure were evil, alright.

Obama has launched more drone bomb attacks for remote assassination of people in other countries and he hasn't just done more of that than Dick Cheney, the most evil creature since Gollum, he has done vastly more.  All the while, Hillary Clinton was there in the White House being a cheerleader for it.

We saw almighty protest and justifiable anger regarding the torture programs by the US government but where was that anger regarding Obama's indiscriminate assassinations which have been subject to even less oversight than Wall Street which is typically the home ground for cowboy law in America.

Where is the protest against the most cowardly form of warfare since poison gas?  There was almighty protest for the cowardice of institutional torture but where was it for anonymous assassination ordered by some Pentagon star chamber.

That protest has never come from Hillary Clinton, not a word.

And then some have the gall to say Trump is worse than that.  He's one worthless, over-blustering piece of self-promoting crap but he never killed anyone, at least not to our knowledge.

The general pitch is Donald Trump is more dangerous than Hillary Clinton but how can that even be possible when Clinton has participated eagerly in the most evil killing program since that of Dick Cheney, usually the first name to arise when anyone talks of evil in a modern context.

That such things are even a consideration show we are not talking about Democrats but rather different shades of Republican.  Previously the most worthless Democrat was LBJ because of the way he escalated Vietnam without any legitimate reason to do it.  Obama and Clinton still haven't taken that title from him but he didn't institute military cowardice in making heroes out of snipers or using anonymous assassination simply for tactical support so LBJ may not hold that title for long.

Trump isn't more dangerous than Clinton, he isn't even close.  Trump also won't destroy the Democratic Party but the Clintons sure didn't resist and Obama didn't either.  As it stands there is no discernible Democratic Party ... but ...

The ones to watch now are Democrats who do NOT roll over for Hillary Clinton and Tulsi Gabbard is an excellent example.  Elizabeth Warren has disgraced herself and now her future is idiotic Twitter battles with Trump so he already owns her.  I've been telling you all along he knows how to play the trout who go up against him because he can handle predictable acts effortlessly.   Once you're pissed off, he owns you ... and it's so dayum easy to piss off simpletons.

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