Thursday, June 2, 2016

The Pierian Polarity in Political Posturing

Pundits who don't care about showing bias are almost unanimously in support of one of the self-adorned primary candidates, Trump and Clinton, both of whom go to great lengths with their pretensions of Christian spirituality.

Conversely, a great many supporters of Bernie Sanders are heretics, often with no particular religion, but with clear ideas of moral principles, often to the point of adamance about them.

In effect, the pundits, paid sluts such as they may be, have turned the election into yet another Crusade by a repressive religion to (cough) wipe out the upstart Jew.

(Ed:  oy, oy, Jews wiped out the upstart Jew the last time!)

Yah, yah, and they did it on threat from the High Pagan Command in Rome so point fingers all you like but the Masturbation Room is down the hall.

If your oh-so-creative cockles aren't tickled all the way to Belfast with the poetry of this pluralistic moment, you will probably be writing cheesy love songs and singing to teenagers until they bury your boring ass.  This is a Vonnegut novel writing itself right before your artistic eyes and surely there's a George Orwell or an Aldous Huxley who isn't so stalled in the ennui of woe is me, everything worthwhile has already been written, and can get cracking in the scribes for this spectacularly absurd point in time.

(Ed:  but Billy Pilgrim was unstuck in time!)

So are we all, matey, mate.

Pol Arida has a keen view of the irony of things and he's a not so often performer in Second Life these days because he's unstuck in time too but he's done some extraordinarily perceptive work and it would be fascination to see what he makes of this; we mean beyond the This is Bullshit anger ... what else does he see.

He recently released a song which he gave to friends on his birthday and it's a gifted piece of work in multiple ways since the orchestration is exceptional and the changes are compelling.  It would not be appropriate to upload it to the podcast without permission and I'll assume it is not granted unless we talk about it specifically.  It's a grand piece of work.

Pol's idea of pierian polarity is often political but he's so dayum good at it.

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