Friday, June 10, 2016

Military Weapons Sales, the Worst Deal in America

Relax, this isn't a partisan pitch as we observe military spending is five percent or less of the US Gross National Product.  It's not entirely trivial but it's less than other programs such as Social Security, etc.  From this we observe ninety-five percent of the US economy has nothing to do with military spending and would not so much as bat a pretty eyelash if the military spending disappeared.

Then we look at how much America gets from military weapons sales as a percentage of the GDP and that rings up to a whoppingly infinitesimal .03%.  Gasp.  An immediate vision comes of a flea fart in a hurricane although perhaps you perceive something else, something unbelievably tiny, that is.

Consequently, the military spending doesn't do all that much for the economy going out and it does almost nothing for the economy in terms of economic benefit from profits.

The glory of this type of militaronomics is the cost to Americans is roughly fifty percent of the annual tax burden on you and, from that direct cost, we see a vanishingly small return of any kind, at least in that aspect of an economic sense.

The blackmail aspect comes and it's necessary since there's substantial benefit to those invested in the military even while there is nothing for anyone else.  The blackmail is the level of employment required (i.e. roughly two million jobs) to spend all this money to gain so incredibly little.  (CS Monitor:  America’s biggest jobs program: The US military)

That's where the crusher comes, military development must continue at this level or all of these jobs will be turned loose, unemployment will skyrocket, the zombies will come to eat our brains.

So that's the consequence of failing to continue such a large enterprise which makes almost no national profit whatsoever and yet costs such an exorbitant amount to all of the citizens.  What kind of a hogwash deal is that since any sensible person wouldn't walk but run from such a deal in any civil situation.


Anonymous said...

Not a democrat but this song hitd a chord within us all.

Unknown said...

Love the song and the power of it. I fetched the text for the lyrics to ensure I was hearing him right.

Thanks, it's a great one.

Note: judging by the last few days, there are no Democrats left (larfs)