Monday, June 6, 2016

"Feeling the Bern" - Silas Scarborough (video) - Recorded This Morning #FeelTheBern

Something less than a magnum opus but cool to kick it up before surgery ... which got canceled after I arrived in Dallas this afternoon but I didn't know that would happen when I was playing.

There are some clams in the play but they aren't big ones and I uploaded it anyway because there was only one shot to get it recorded and only about an hour to do it.

Update:  on playing it back, I notice the camera was highly-impressed by the kick drum and you can see the image vibrate with each kick.  Kick, kick, kick, kick-kick, repeat.

There's also a prime time near miss on taking a dive for a nice faceplant so that may amuse you about halfway.

The thinking was there will be no playing post-chop because they will hack up the shoulder blade for the right-side wing.  No way the strumming wing can deal with stitches so playing will be out for a while.  Hopefully the rescheduling works to get it done by the middle of the month to get it behind.

The big plus from the wave-off for the procedure was it meant Waffle House would be ok on the way back and still with a reasonable chance it would stay down, the converse of what happened once before when we stopped there after a previous procedure.

The Dermatology clinic is not quick because they do many in-patient surgeries so that meant that some time to kill out in the waiting area.  That meant a whole pile of veterans waiting patiently and they were being quiet, mostly falling asleep on one end, but we found the party end.  One of the first discoveries was they had not one but two Playboy magazines amid the waiting room reading materials.

First observation was the Playboy magazines were covered by a Forbes magazine which, apparently, someone selected in preference.  Why anyone at VA would have any interest in what the richie bitchies are doing is not at all clear, particularly when there were two other magazines featuring eminently delicious females.

The magazines prompted something of a scramble with the troops since someone said they don't have centerfolds anymore, no more boobies.  That was met with immediate disbelief so a scramble began to Find the Boobies.

Since John Oliver does such an exemplary job of investigative reporting, we must tell you we did find a centerfold but the Playboy ... but ... the magazine was entirely bereft of bare boobies.  Gasp.

However, the other Playboy was some type of special issue and, joy upon joy, there was a centerfold in that one as well ... but ... this was not the regular monthly magazine so the Edict to Ban the Boobies does not seem to apply and we can cheerfully ample boobies, both in quantity and in scale.

The second observation was a gentleman''s t-shirt and we know he was a gentleman because he was not wearing a grey suit with a power tie since the latter type don't even represent humans much less gentlemen.

The t-shirt had the text:

Come to the Dark Side
We've got cookies

That looked kind of cool ... but then he turned around and it read on the back, Hillary in 2016.  Well, should have seen that coming, huh?

"Feeling the Bern" is a groove jam on freedom and mostly it's running scales but that was just the thing for the moment because the purpose was immediate and voluminous exuberating (i.e. the verb which gets one to a state of exuberance, yes).

Bernie Sanders is the #Bern and he's the best friend any veteran could ever have because he won't send anyone to fight unless there's one hell of a good reason for it and there isn't one now.  He also wants to make damn sure VA is properly supported and, maybe you recall, Hillary Clinton couldn't even answer the question when asked in the first debate how she would deal with the VA.  I'll get back to you on that.

In fact, you won't, li'l snowflake.  Go back to Goldman Sachs ... and make some coffee for the rich boys.  Coffee, tea, or me, right?

The third observation wasn't funny except in demeanor since one of those veterans, at least, was as bad-ass as anyone you will ever meet.  He was laughing as he said he had a quadruple bypass surgery and he was wearing shorts so he showed the scars in his legs from where the doctors had taken vein / artery material to transplant in the procedure.

The quadruple bypass wasn't because of blocked arteries but rather, as he said the doctors told him, from disintegrated arteries ... due to Agent Orange exposure.  Vietnam is the only place anyone was exposed to that horrendous DOW Chemical poison.

He was into it with show-and-tell with the scars and he pulled off his cap to show another large surgery on his head for a brain aneurysm.  Keep in mind, you can talk shit anywhere you like but no-one ever does at VA, not ever.

All the while, I was marveling as, guy, you are one tough bird and I said so.  He wasn't looking for reverence since really he just wanted to tell a few jokes.  We were having a good old time, joking back and forth, when another guy showed up.  He saw one of the Playboys and immediately grabbed it to stuff it into his carry bag.

The new guy had to take care of some business at the desk but he came back and the topic of centerfolds (cough) arose again.  That's when Agent Orange guy spotted the Playboy in the other guy's carry bag and it wasn't a matter of catching the bad guy but rather it was all part of the laughs.

Yah, there was a lot of suffering over today.  Damn sure was.  It's such a special place and in large part because there's only one way anyone will ever be seen out there and money isn't it.

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