Thursday, May 12, 2016

Bernie Sanders Speaks of Continuing the Solid Wins

After our big wins in Indiana and West Virginia, Oregon and Kentucky are coming up this Tuesday. And if everyone who has signed up to support Bernie takes just an hour or two this weekend to call some voters, we stand a very good chance of winning both these states and keeping our momentum rolling into the June contests.

So we're calling for an all-hands-on-the-phones mobilization this weekend to identify Bernie supporters in the upcoming states, and get them out to vote. Can you help out?

If you've never made phone calls to voters before, don't worry. It's pretty easy. All you need is a computer or a tablet, and a phone. There's a simple script for you to follow, and there are volunteers standing by on livechat to help if you get stuck. You can call on your own from home, or attend a phonebank party near you with other Bernie supporters.

We're going to keep fighting hard until the very end of this primary contest, because we know Bernie is by far the better candidate to defeat Trump in November. Every vote we win and delegate we claim sends an unmistakable message to the political establishment about the strength of our progressive agenda.

When we stand together, there is nothing we cannot accomplish. So we hope you'll continue fighting with us and keep this political revolution rolling strong – all the way to the convention in Philadelphia.

In solidarity,

Team Bernie

P.S. If you'd like to hear more about the importance of Kentucky, Oregon and our voter contact goals for the rest of the campaign, please join us on a special livestream event tomorrow (Friday) at 6 pm ET/3 pm PT.

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