Monday, May 30, 2016

Memorial Day

Honoring America's war dead doesn't have anything to do with waving flags or tooting trumpets but rather the sincerity of it is shown when you don't ask more to die, particularly when there is not any kind of a good reason for it.

Fabricating reasons to get American soldiers killed has been happening with agonizing regularity ever since the sixties and is exemplified by the hoax under LBJ of the Gulf of Tonkin Incident.  That led to the pointless deaths of fifty-five thousand Americans.  Those losses will be lamented today while simultaneously sending more troops to walk someone else's battlefields in the Middle East where, once again, they get killed for nothing.

The shooters instantly rise up screaming they're saving the world from ISIS and, yeah, yeah, they were saving the world from the Soviets in the sixties but that was bullshit too.  What we learned from that is Domino Theories are a dime a dozen and the only ones which really do anything come from the bankers and the CEOs who profited so enormously from all of this.  The rich boys never go to war, they know already they're not real except for the mothers burying their children so their only resolve is not to be one of them.

Everything was different in WWII but there was no military / industrial complex back then or the Allies probably would have lost that too.  Ever since then it's been one catastrophic fail for the military after the other.  The only consistent things from the Pentagon have been incompetence and regular appearances in gossip columns and scandal sheets either for moral turpitude or outright corruption.

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