Thursday, May 26, 2016

Empire Files: 100 Years of US Troops as Lab Rats | Abby Martin (video)

The title appears the worst of purple journalism but it's not even an exaggeration and all of it is documented in hard evidence with Congressional review of the disgraces and the review being the compound disgrace because the one salient detail running through all of these experiments is Washington never stopped any of them.

Maybe you're tired of seeing these horror stories about Washington in the military but, if that's the case, why is your attitude toward me and not those who do this heinous and fiendish crimes against Americans, the generals do this to America's own.

We have known of testing nuclear explosions on troops by exploding them near unsuspected American soldiers but that's only one case out of many.

The biggest lie of all from the Pentagon is we don't do this anymore.

Why not the Establishment and the Military/Industrial Complex?

This is why.

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