Sunday, October 1, 2017

The Extraordinary Sociology Behind the Ubiquity of the Painted Dick Pic Icon

This motif is so common of late that we have frequently seen it in graffiti but now we a professional building although we can't guess for which profession.

Ladies and gentlemen, perhaps you have some guess into a purpose for the central section of the building but the only one we're finding is procreation.

Zen Yogi:  maybe there are more of them and the center bit is to help stack them?

Sure, Yogi, since anything is possible, probably not that thing but many.

Perhaps you need the sociology of the sudden yet ubiquitous appearance of the motif and ...

Zen Yogi:  I don't need that, Yogi

Good, mate, since I don't know either and I don't want to have to try to figure it out.

Zen Yogi:  it will have to remain one of the last Great Mysteries of the Now

I'm not sure the Mystery is all that great, Yogi.  Some fellows find it inordinately funny to paint clumsy dick pic icons all over.  Perhaps we better need to understand their Psychology.

Zen Yogi, um, ixnay on that, Silas.  We don't need to know about that either.

The soldiers had a much better one in WWII since Kilroy was Here turned up everywhere and often in impossible-to-reach places.

I don't think Kilroy's identity was ever established as I don't really think anyone knew anything about him yet he became one of the most famous characters of the war.

Zen Yogi:  and much, much cooler than the dick pics all over the place

Definitely much cooler than those, Yogi.

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