Saturday, November 12, 2016

Clinton Still Blames Comey and Probably the Russians

The evidence of the Clinton analysis is there was no analysis; just go with the canned script for the bankers and that's exactly where she delivered it.  (CNN:  Inside the Clinton loss: Who's to blame?)

Ed:  she's still trying to cadge money out of this?

When did you ever know her not to be cadging money, Dagwood?  She thinks she can keep her machine greased for another go in 2020 but she's a two-time loser now with more of a slime trail behind her than a garden snail.  She's got no real game but, so long as she can make people think she's got one, she can keep peddling influence she doesn't really have.

It's comical to see people don't call her Hillary anymore.  Yesterday she was the Princess and my friend but today she's a fuckin' loser who pretends she isn't tickled pink over the Trump riots.

Ed:  there would have been riots if Clinton won

Yep, the only way to tell them apart is the Clintonistas wear an earring in the left ear and the Trumpies wear one in the right ear.  If you have one in both ears then it shows you're probably not a lunatic pretending to be a pirate.

Ed:  I thought that was code for being gay?

I think that's an old secret code.  There was another one which related to hankies in the back pocket but that one seemed complicated and it's probably over as well.  The only one I recall wearing a hankie in his pocket was Fred Astaire with one in the breast pocket of his suit.

Ed:  was he gay?

A long time ago, my ol' Dad once suggested a dancer was gay and he wound up getting hit so hard it put a scar over one eye for the rest of his life.  My ol' Dad was a college boxer at the time so that must have been one bad ass homosexual or a straight dancer who was strongly supportive of gay rights.  Ka-pow!

Most of all, Clinton needs to Embrace the Anarchy!  Learn to Love the Chaos!

The only way to get a revolution is when the people are pissed off enough.  The best thing for abortion rights is to let the Republicans go ahead and ban them ... then wait for the backlash.

Even if Paul Ryan snuffs Trump and successfully blames the Bernie Socialists for it, Pence will still kill Planned Parenthood.  That alone should result in a dandy uproar.

Embrace the Anarchy!  Chaos is your Friend!

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