Saturday, September 10, 2016

What's Hot on the Blog 9/10

Sep 10, 2016

There's no - sudden flip for atheism didn't happen and neither did a conversion to anything else because the Fundamental doesn't change

Looking for KRATOM - DEA attempts at regulation of this herbal medication looks a great deal like more stoogery for Big Pharma rather than any real intention to be cops.  Send those (cough) cops an honorary bottle of Sissy Boy's Dippity Doo for Spy Hair Styling.  Order today from Amazon.  As with all cops today, order one cop but get a fucking dozen of those steroidal ne'er-do-wells.

Not Much - the releases from Science Daily normally come on weekdays and my vacuous explanation for that must have been more interesting than I thought with the basis for shifting Ithaka in a science-y way.

The Toucha-Toucha - yes, Rocky Horror has come to clip-on table lamps.  Someday it had to happen.

Hillary Clinton - there's one fundamental difference between General Jack D. Ripper and Hillary Regina:  he gets things done from explanations of the Commie menace to global thermonuclear war.  That's the kind of pro-active leader we need in the Pentagon, damn it.  Let's kill some shit.

Flight - quite a beautiful photograph of storks in flight by Thomas Warnack

What's Hot

Bank of America - that was yesterday's sad / stupid story about banks and a million more have transpired since then

The Unusual - it can be intriguing to see that which set off a scientist on research along a particular path.  What good is a dragon tree except for making dragons or whatever they do.  Read on in the article.

NASA - it's the only rock song REO Speedwagon ever did and it goes just fine with a magnificent photograph of the Lesser Magellanic Cloud.  An image of the Andromeda Galaxy is on the Galaxy Guitar to give the guitar her name.  The little nondescript blob to the lower right relative to Andromeda is the LMC and this photograph shows the incredible things within it.

Andromeda was said, by her mother, to be more beautiful than the goddesses of Olympus or at least the Nereids but this didn't go so well with them at the time.  She was saved by brave Perseus, tho.  If you don't know who plays brave Perseus in the Rockhouse, you just ain't payin' attention, darlin'.

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