Saturday, September 10, 2016

Not Much from Science on Weekends

Science Daily is the only trusted resource for peer-reviewed science papers.  There are many others scientists can use for high-level searches of publications but Science Daily provides an 'interested layman' interface which can take us as close to live science as we're likely to get.

If you have followed my own flow much, you may have noticed it's not uncommon to see a post from me regarding something I've just seen on Science Daily and an article about that subject will pop up in Russia Today on the following day.  That doesn't mean they read Ithaka although anything's possible but we do go to the same source.  With other news venues, it seems they may rely on Marvel movies.  Unknown.

The reliance on drivers from Science Daily was heavy yesterday and mostly just to see what would happen.  The reaction was good as interest is significantly higher than it had been for this or that.

Science Daily does not typically release anything over the weekend and they don't trickle anything.  Usually there will be a block release at around noon US Eastern (i.e. Political Criminal Time) and possibly another later in the day.  Those will happen from Monday to Friday but bloggers should consider having lives on weekends since scientists will.

The interest in the articles isn't so much to elaborate on the science because in many cases I could not do that.  Amazingly enough, I have not studied materials science or atomic-level microscopy.  For our purposes, it's sufficient to understand whatever the new science is offering.  From that we (i.e. I) can extrapolate using the thinking, well, if that's true then this could be true.  Your part is consideration of the second part with the judgment of, well, maybe that's true or maybe that's utter bloody rubbish suitable only for amusing cabbage heads or politicians.

Such is the clear and present danger of blogging because no-one wants to be regarded as a cabbage head.

(Ed:  so this is the chaff to confuse the radar while there's no actual content to present?)


(Ed:  and it's not even funny?)


(Ed:  and it won't even try to be funny?)

Dunno.  Why do elephants wear red tennis shoes?

Twitticisms are over-the side and the move is good since there's no focus to them beyond general malcontent.  That's entertaining in throwing rocks simply for the amusement of breaking glass and most of it is largely opaque so there's no particular harm in it ... but there's nothing particularly good either.

That general flow seems a good fit.

(Ed:  what about the elephants wearing red tennis shoes?)

A:  because they want to be like Dennis Rodman.  As to the correct answer, hit it with the standard D.C. refrain, "I don't recall."

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