Saturday, September 10, 2016

Hillary Clinton Channels General Jack D. Ripper (video)

“I can no longer sit back and allow Communist infiltration, Communist indoctrination, Communist subversion and the international Communist conspiracy to sap and impurify all of our precious bodily fluids.”

― Brigadier General Jack D. Ripper

Ripper: Water, that's what I'm getting at, water.  Mandrake, water is the source of all life.  Seven-tenths of this Earth's surface is water.  Why, do you realize that 70 percent of you is water?

Mandrake: Good Lord!

Ripper: And as human beings, you and I need fresh, pure water to replenish our precious bodily fluids.

Mandrake: Yes. (he begins to chuckle nervously)

Ripper: Are you beginning to understand?

Mandrake: Yes. (more laughter)

Ripper: Mandrake. Mandrake, have you never wondered why I drink only distilled water, or rainwater, and only pure-grain alcohol?

Mandrake: Well, it did occur to me, Jack, yes.

Ripper: Have you ever heard of a thing called fluoridation.  Fluoridation of water?

Mandrake: Uh? Yes, I-I have heard of that, Jack, yes.  Yes.

Ripper: Well, do you know what it is?

Mandrake: No, no I don't know what it is, no.

Ripper: Do you realize that fluoridation is the most monstrously conceived and dangerous Communist plot we have ever had to face?

- "Dr Strangelove"

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