Saturday, September 10, 2016

The Toucha-Toucha Touch Me Lamp

There's one redemption at the Rockhouse and that specifically comes from Cheap Shit from Amazon and the touch-toucha touch me lamp is one of those for maybe twenty bucks but it's incredibly useful.  The camera actually did a clever job in photographing it since it stopped the glare way down so you can see the lamp.

The toucha-toucha aspect works by touch on / touch off plus holding it somewhere or other will make it fade.  All highly snazzy, huh??

The reason for the lamp is that area is pitch black most of the time.  It's off the plane for light from the monitor and you can see there's stuff all over the place, all of which I need frequently, for short intervals, that kind of desk rubbish.  The other side of the disk is also littered with vital but disorganized things ... except for Desk Things Which Must Never Move.  It's (cough) structured clutter, if you (cough) will.

Mystery Lady knows structured clutter and don't you mind whether you can find anything as she can. So long as she can find it, there ain't no problem.  If she does lose something in the clutter then it may be a problem.  If she loses Joy the Tiny Dog in it then she has a bigger problem.  Damn, I know she was around here somewhere.

And, yes, the beads are necessary.  Maybe not tomorrow but, you know, sometime.  It's not often one needs beads and pliers at the same time but it's an existential thing, man, so ... are you experienced.

Oh, and you can see the tail end of The Whacker up there.  It's a huge flashlight which is the Formal Rockhouse Defense System (FRDS).  Even if nothing else, I can try to get off a whack before I get shot (larfs).  At least I'll be able to see it coming.

Relax on the pills as one of them is Vitamin D (prescribed) and the other is equally benign but even more boring than vitamins.  The blue thing is an unbelievably useful thing in the category of Cheap Shit from Walmart since it's a one-dollar flashlight.  I need a light for just about anything in the Rockhouse so it's been used hundreds of times.

Yah, I see the skank on the screen.  I'm so ashamed (sob).

All in all, the desk looks like a rocket explosion but there's a tight hierarchy of locations or maybe it's a Man Thang.  If I don't put something back where it's supposed to go then I'll probably never fookin' find it again.

Actually, I'm not that stoned and haven't been this evening.  I'll work on that just now, tho.  I'm sure that situation can be repaired.

Note:  the ganja is rising as a perp in the Coffin Coughin' Sweepstakes.  Cigarettes seem to have little effect but they're just sneakier about it with filters.  wtf, they only kill you, right?

No evidence of blood today.  I needed confirmation from one more day of significant reduction so, barring better information, a blood vessel broke due to sustained provocation and it has since fixed itself.  I understand this does not mean carry on, it means I broke a fookin' blood vessel (larfs).

Note:  if I want to whine, I'll do it straight up.  This is in a category becoming more recognizable to Boomers as time goes by ... Bizarre Anomalies.  Yep, so there's another one.

You've got to larf!

Brief science-y thought:  it appears there's a rising allergic reaction to smoking the ganja.  This is just a hypothetical but it seems possibly valid.  Does that mean it can swap for Kratom which is smoked or consumed as tea but may not elicit the same allergic reaction.

In descriptions I've seen specific mention of euphoria in the context of opium dreams but that's more of an extreme than I want to play ... when I want to play.  I can't be dancing with the Cheshire Cat while I'm verifying my finger positions on the next move.  You only get a millisecond for the glance so, uh, don't dawdle or Clam City.

There will be a Kratom experiment while it's still legal as I think Yevette has a little jingle for it and I know she's curious although she's not a stoner.  She knows the buzz but, amazingly, she has choice.

Call the investigation a Feasibility Study and then it can be written off the taxes.

(Ed:  you don't pay any taxes!)

In a way I do but that's a boring rant about MEDICARE.  Mostly they would be ashamed to tax me so apparently shame is possible with them (larfs).

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