Friday, September 23, 2016

Extensions on Carlin's on the List of People to Kill #247

Utterance of 'potty mouth' by anyone is sufficient justification to take all your copies of "Lady Chatterley's Lover" and stuff them down the pretentious fuckwit's caketrap.

"Ah loves that tha shits and tha pisses" - Oliver (D.H. Lawrence)

That may have been the most economical statement ever written regarding the complexities of the love between a man and a woman particularly within a stiff class system.  I read that line when I was young and was mystified / troubled by it for years until I felt I fully grasped what Lawrence meant.  Perhaps even now I still don't.

People who try to censor speech should be dragged behind a tractor until their entrails steam in the hot desert sun.  That these pickle barrel brains have the temerity to try to alter the words of some of the greatest minds who ever lived is so unutterably galling.

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