Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Doctor, These Nicotine Messages Are Confusing

Don't smoke or you will die.  That's not the confusing part.

Researchers have discovered indications of benefit from nicotine regarding afflictions associated with aging such as Alzheimers.  If the nicotine is used separately from tobacco and all the other things which come with that, there is apparently a therapeutic benefit.  (Science Daily:  Can nicotine protect the aging brain?)

The researchers make a point of noting, don't go out to find any native source of nicotine to use for working up some health protocol of your own.  The results are preliminary but they're promising so research will continue.

Taken by itself, this item isn't all that interesting.  They have discovered something unexpected and, gee, that's nice.  I hope it helps out with Alzheimers.

There was another article earlier about the understanding of codeine and other opiates for their influence with Codeine and Children, Even Worse Than You Thought.  That article led to discussion of analgesics in general and consequently to the red-haired orphan stepchild of that entire field, marijuana.

The interesting aspect here at the Rockhouse is I won't smoke anything except illegal-as-hell street reefer in part because I know no-one has screwed with it, particularly corporate hipsters.  Sometimes you may hear mention in police reports of a drug which has been 'laced' with something else but the only product anyone ever adds to another drug is milk sugar to make it seem like there's more of the narcotic.

Note:  the first time I saw sometime spiking a load was almost fifty years ago.  I might know what I'm talking about although I have never sold narcotics.

The was a bit of dialog about drugs getting warped by commercialization and we see a reverse situation with nicotine; there's immense capitalization of the tobacco along with all the insidious chemicals which come with it but there appears to be an actual health benefit to pure nicotine which is totally processed.  Conversely, the full benefit from reefer comes from smoking the street reefer (i.e. unprocessed) and there's little to no evidence the processed variety is good for anything.  There are many claims but not much real peer-reviewed science.

The contention from Anonymous was the hipsters would process reefer into commercial oblivion and that may very well be true.  Meanwhile the Rockhouse will continue dealing with Shady Greenstone, the invisible dealer and purveyor of music and magic.

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