Friday, September 30, 2016

So You Want to Make a Million

Cook up an encryption scheme and hang it in the wind.  Wait for money to start flying about.  (Science Daily:  Encryption method takes authentication to a new level, improves privacy protection)

There are two things which happen when you come up with a new encryption protocol.  The first is it may make you famous and the second is the CIA will probably make it illegal.  If they can't crack it, you can't use it and maybe you remember PGP (Pretty Good Protection) as that was one private protocol the government ran into the ground.

The researchers behind the latest scheme are 'looking for commercial partnership' and there's no predicting how deep into hell they want to go with it but encryption is one of the ugliest games on the planet just now.  No matter how benign your purpose, anti-freedom creeps from the NSA and CIA can claim you're in collusion with terrorists and, presto, you're the Anti-Christ.  They have been trying to play that angle against Apple for some time now.

It often gets ugly when science meets business and encryption most of all.  While the efficacy of their scheme may be outstanding, we don't really know that since the article is more a sales pitch than hard science.  Make of it what you will.  It's almost certain the government will check it out.

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