Wednesday, September 21, 2016

The Difference Between Inspiration and a Bowel Problem

Afflatus is that drive inside you to do amazing things ... or it's a bowel movement and, from the sound of it, we're not sure.  You can roll both together if you like by saying, 'he was feeling profoundly artistic until his realized his afflatus was only heartburn.'

We don't anticipate seeing afflatus again until the next century when the Word of the Day starts again from the beginning.

Today's WOTD isn't that interesting but it's part of a wave of English words which were derived from Latin in the 1600's.  There must have been something which happened in England about that time such as a change in the way they did their schooling to bring about so much change of that nature.  At one time, Greek and Latin were required parts of a classical education so perhaps that's when that educational protocol was implemented.

So there's a mention of the WOTD, disinteresting as it may be, but we do have a better candidate even though it's no longer a WOTD candidate.

We all know the most worthless, sleaziest, and most corrupt slimes on the planet are politicians, particularly the current spawn of them, and there is the perfect ex-WOTD to describe.  That estimable crop of amoral wastrels is better known as a lot of snollygosters.

A snollygoster is quickly identified by someone who runs for President by telling you all the reasons someone else should not be President.  Now you know the signs.  Go forth with your tar and feathers to bring truth and justice to those avaricious ne'er-do-wells.

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