Wednesday, September 21, 2016

It Would Be Better if Wearable Devices Actually Worked

Likely as no surprise, FitBit doesn't work and regimens for losing weight through the use of wearable devices for tracking yourself are actually worse than doing nothing at all.  (Science Daily:  Activity trackers are ineffective at sustaining weight loss)

At the conclusion of a 24-month trial, researchers observed that usage of a wearable device in combination with a behavioral weight loss program resulted in less weight loss when compared to those receiving only the behavioral weight loss program. In fact, participants without physical activity trackers showed nearly twice the weight loss benefits at the end of the 24 months. Participants who utilized wearable devices reported an average weight loss of 7.7 pounds, while those who partook only in health counseling reported an average loss of 13 pounds.

- Science Daily

That result is astounding as the result if you don't use the wearable device is almost twice as good as if you do use one.

- Insert a long and pedantic I Told You So editorial -

There's no editorial because it's tragic.  This is yet another expensive affectation which doesn't work and that would be just one more piece of junk on the pile but this one is about weight management.  Obesity and drug abuse are the biggest personal problems in the country and here's something which not only fails to help with weight management, it actually makes the problem worse.

Nah, there's no editorial.  Just be careful out there.

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