Saturday, September 10, 2016

Looking for KRATOM Before DEA Brings the Machine Guns

Thus far, reading on KRATOM reveals a benign product with some psychoactive result and it reads as being somewhat similar to marijuana.  Naturally, the DEA classifies that with heroin because ... job security for the spineless servants of Big Pharma.

Out here in the real world, we don't allow DEA to do our thinking for us because we have never seen any evidence of thinking within that organization beyond the initial mindlessness from Nancy Reagan of 'just say no' ... to what, darlin'?  Everything?  Only the things you say?  All those things plus things others say?  Or do you just really have no idea what you're saying and you're just another L.A. Kardashian regrettably bereft of a high-ticket boob job.

For actual information you can read for yourself regarding this ancient herbal medicine, take a look at The Kratom User's Guide by Sage Botanicals.  Note:  the second link is to a page of prices for herbals.

The Rockhouse doesn't endorse anything except ganja but we do insist on the right to learn without hot lead assistance from agents of the state.

It's worth hearing again from Trae Crowder on the subject since his perspective is similar to my own and I'm of the Weed People he mentions from time to time in the video.  All my life I've seen how ridiculous propaganda is spread about ganja but people believe it when they have no actual knowledge of it.  That's the Paul Ryan suit phenomenon and it doesn't reflect well on America when the people believe anything so long as a suit with a 'decent' hair cut delivers it.

The biggest therapeutic aspect of drugs such as ganja and kratom is regarding reduction of symptoms for junkies.  I can't relate directly to them since I have never been a junkie but I defer to those with actual experience rather than D.C. stiffs who are just paid to read scripts and, hence, the video from the distant opposite of a D.C. stiff.

It's been my experience since the sixties the government says almost nothing which is true about drugs and we have seen Jeb Bush, among others, making a political play of getting weepy with 'oh gee, someone in my family was a junkie.'

Unlike the rest of the country, we look to the second line to discover what Jeb Bush, that rough-ridin' savage, did about it.

Absolutely nothing.

Therefore we look to people who are real (i.e. nowhere near Washington) and Trae Crowder has already demonstrated his reasoning in similar themes.  Therefore he is a trusted resource and we listen.

As to what the Rockhouse is doing about it.  Well, just like a great many other people in the country, we're trying to find some, ideally with seeds or growing plant(s) before the DEA Wehrmacht breaks out the machine guns on September 30.

As always, never send anything to a private address and I sent many, many seeds back from Amsterdam.  If there was any shift in the genetics of ganja in the Cincinnati area around that time, that was me (larfs).

It's not us against them.  They're against us but we only want them to leave us alone because they are boring, unimaginative, and heavily-armed.  Take that to beat your own wife and kids, Macho Man.  We don't want to see you anywhere around us, with or without guns.

We see a heroin epidemic exploding in America while politicians, for the most part, ignore it and instead scream in orgiastic ecstasy of how we must kill ISIS to save the world.  Out here, we have one trivial expectation:  how about saving America before you adopt any pretensions about saving the world.

You know how it goes with opiates and hopefully you see by now stoners have little or nothing to do with abuse of them.  We don't want smack; we don't like junkies; we don't accept nihilism except as a talking point in some stoner debate.

We don't like speaking of wars and you can't win one with junkies anyway.  What you can do is help and nothing else works.  Some of you know that from your own lives and the frustration comes in discovering you can't force anything.  If you lock up a junkie, that person will head straight back to the smack as soon as the cell doors open again.

It makes no difference if you attribute being a junkie to poor upbringing, genetics, or the phase of the Moon.  We see the people need help, they're not getting it, and politicians are nothing more than glorified televangelists.

Therefore, Trae Crowder.  You could do well to listen to what he says about Kratom.  He knows the subject and is surprisingly revealing about something which must have been intensely painful within his own family.  In a way of thinking, he's a televangelist too but he's not selling any damn thing.  He does ask you to consider truth.


Laughing Gecko said...

That's so funny, I was just reading about Kratom for the first time immediately before checking out your blog. The vid is all true and mighty insightful for a hillbilly.

Unknown said...

That's one dang insightful hillbilly. When he started talking about 'my Momma,' I was owned as that was major gut-spillin' stuff. Yah, I know what I say, my Momma spent time in jail for it. OK, bro, I am seriously listening to you.

The quest is on here. Find that stuff! (larfs)

Anonymous said...

Being a junkie should not be a crime. We lock them up as criminals. They need to be incarcerated for a period of 60 to 90 day but not in a jail. Then they need ongoing treatment for ay least a year.
Insurance companies will only cover 28 days but the stupidity of it they will cover it multiple times in a calendar year.
Until society treats it as an illness not a crime nothing will change. It is far cheaper to send them through a real rehab program than to house them in jail.
Tennessee is just starting to learn this. But they fine junkies an average of $2000 per arrest. So even if they are able to beat the addiction,they are financial killed by the system
And they wonder why the successful recovery rate is only 10%

Unknown said...

I see that success rate of 10% and how appalling.

The thinking is the same about jail since locking them up for a crime makes it as unlikely as possible they will get straight. More than likely all kinds of bad things happen which I know I don't need to list.

I'm glad TN starts to see some light and who knows how much Trae Crowder brings to it with some down home maybe we ought to take a better look at things. Maybe that shows there's a whole lot of that thinking happening because it's right on the doorstep now.

Anonymous said...

I am actually on contact with people with power on the feasibility of the following program.
This is for repeat offenders who are trying but not succeeding yes,a loosley defined population.
A two year incarceration at a halfway house with strict drug testing. Cost to stay at these house about $7000 per year. During this time they will attend a two year college if a HS graduate. If not they begin a GED program.
The funding is already in place as TN already has free two year college tuition and a $9000 per year living expense grant. It presently costs government about $30000 to house an inmate. So they save $60000, dramatically higher once the inmate becomes a taxpayer. Upon completion of the program all fines and court costs would be waived.
I am presently researching to see if TN actually has enough halfway house programs to allow such a program.
Also researching what regulations are involved as I have enough centrally located houses to be a pilot program.
Maybe this becomes reality maybe it dies in political backrooms

Unknown said...

Sometimes godliness comes with having the motivation and I'm fairly sure I know the circumstance which makes me admire all the more the determination to fix more than one problem. Sure things sometimes tank in the backroom but you know already that makes it all the more important to push in the front room. Without the belief eventually reason will win, we've really got nothing and I know you believe that too or why do anything. Good luck.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous--Wooooo WONDERFUL!!

Unknown said...

The stuff is intriguing. More, um, research required.