Friday, September 9, 2016

Bank of America - Most Mickey Mouse Bank on the Planet

The travel allowances from VA are the emergency bank and they get saved for times of total skint such as now.  They don't amount to much but $70 buys groceries and the list was in my head as I deposited them.

The ATM read one check and said it couldn't read the other and these are US Government checks.

It asks what to do so I figure continue with the deposit and it will give the other one back.

It didn't give it back.

The shopping list just got cut in half and I was furious.  My account is online only so those pennypinching and parsimonious pollyannas charge me fifteen dollars just for walking in the door of a branch.

I was angry so of course I did it anyway.  The seventy bucks was cut by thirty-five with the first robbed check and by another fifteen for coming inside to bitch about it.  What else should I do ... kick this flatlining ATM?

Now I was down to thirty bucks out of the seventy and you bet I made a scene in there because, get this, old coots just don't care (larfs).

That went around and around because the branch people in any bank can't do all that much so that led to pushing many buttons on a damn automated call.  When that finally went to hold music it was time to walk.

I told her it was better to write it off than to go up to full livid.  You can't possibly know how it is in my world, ma'am.  And I walked.

Note:  I sincerely hope she doesn't ever find out even when that doesn't do much for social conscience in the new age in which there is regressively little of it.

Whether anything at all ever got deposited remains a mystery.

Ah, right.  I just checked.  Now it says it did deposit both checks.  Might have been nice to give some indication of that.  Now the net is I'll get charged the fee for talking to the branch people anyway and it wouldn't have been necessary if the ATM had given any clue what it actually did.

Half-ass, top to bottom.

Kee-rist, what a waste of my busy day and I still don't have any fucking groceries.

That falls back to Po' House 'rithmetic as they likely won't charge the fee until the next cycle.  So long as it's more than an hour from now, I can make it to the market and the account will just go negative if they bust me after that.

There's no need for anyone to do anything as I can totter off to get me Bush's Best Baked Beans now (larfs).

Oh, you thought this was about cigarettes??  (larfs)  It really wasn't.


Anonymous said...

And a lot of folks would say- "it's only thirty five bucks man...". And they have no idea what that thirty five bucks means...especially when pay day is not for another week!! So go ahead, have another Starbucks El Grande Whatever!!

The broken blood vessel sounds like a possibility. What was the "fumigation" about? Did you do it with a lung irritant?

I read the stuff you write and I take it literally ya the "monitor strapped" to you--silly me, I think it must be a Holter Monitor (given your current condition.

I think that maybe I must be getting it wrong and become concerned because I am not reading the tweets and am not on social media of any kind, so I may be only seeing half the story. This may be why sometimes you seem to "be all over the place".

But when I send you a pic and you post it on this blog just a few weeks after posting it-you dont remember the pic or a card I sent with chili just a few weeks prior....I really wonder. Or maybe they really were not very important to you. And I get that!

So Suzie Creamcheese....just suck it up!!

Sitting up a little while you sleep should help too--yeah I know its difficult but you get used to it.

Unknown said...

It sure is a week but not quite until payday (larfs). True Confession: I've never been (sob) inside a Starbucks.

That's not really a lament as I know Starbucks is where they recruit the lizard people.

The fumigation was due to lack of bathing while these damn surgery bits have been endlessly slacking. I can cheerfully report they're almost healed. Took for-damn-ever!

In fact, I saw that card a short time ago and it looked like it was in a vulnerable spot but I think Yevette wrote something in it so I did not open it. I must ask as it wouldn't be right to peek. I don't think I'm the addressee, tho. Short term memory, as you've seen, can be erratic. It appears much like pattern baldness as it's a predictable consequence of years, I've seen similar in my mother ... doesn't seem a big deal but pesky sometimes.

Hmm ... old house so I wonder if one end of the couch is subtly lower than the other and there could be a real effect just from turning around to point the other way. The simple pads for the keyboard had an astounding benefit so there might even be some validity. No spirit level to check and spilling something on the floor to see which way the water goes is probably a bad idea.

Sucking stuff up isn't such a hard thing but there was significant blood and that warranted a bit of creepy bejeebers but it may be making some sense. I can almost guarantee you would have said go to E.R. at the worst of it. Now it looks like it's fixing itself and tomorrow will make it kind of solid for that if this continues.

This Braille method of things is a little weird (larfs).