Sunday, September 25, 2016

Salem, MA, One of the Lowest Places in America

Salem, MA, is the home of the witch 'trials' of early colonial history and is a standout example why having ancestors who trace back to the Mayflower is one of the worst things you can say for yourself since they were some of the worst people who ever walked the planet.  Quite apart from slaughtering Indians, they really hated witches and enjoyed killing them too.  They also gave us America's Victorian standards of sexuality which survive to this day in Kim Kardashian's precious nipples so there are many reasons it would have been better if the Indians had superior weapons at the time.

After visiting Salem for no particular reason whatsoever, I saw the conditions under which people were jailed prior to trial and Salem even outdid the anonymous racks in the NAZI prison camps since they had women stuffed into tiny holes in the wall and similar conditions which would elicit outrage if they were used even for animals.  It was absolutely shocking and I don't recommend going to see for yourself as it's a permanent nexus of evil which should be avoided.  That the site remains as a tourist attraction shows the evil is unabated.  It should have been burned.

Going to the Giant Sequoias or the Rainbow Bridge, yes and radiant goodness.  Going to Salem, hell no and ultimate evil.

Remember, kids, if your parents take you to Salem, it's just the same as when they take you to the Ark in Kentucky and it means your parents hate you.  Good parents take you to Disney World to the Magic Kingdom.

(Ed:  what happens in the Magic Kingdom?)

No idea and couldn't care less because I know it's not hatefulness and killing so whatever they do is probably ok with me.

Here's a kid trapped in the Ark now.  Don't worry about seeing the dinosaur's wooden penis, kid.  Ted Cruz is working to ensure the leftist pinkos can't force the dinosaurs to be made anatomically correct.

Note:  we will try to free you from those bars and, no, we don't know why your parents did that to you except, well, they hate you.

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