Friday, September 9, 2016

What's Hot on the Blog 9/9

Sep 9, 2016

A Few Themes - three papers from Science Daily used as the bases for thinking further on the ramifications.  It's remarkable how much interest that elicited.

Collaborative Robots - highly-progressive research toward smoothing the activity of autonomous robots and why such research is necessary.

Bank of America - a story of some temporary fury but, despite being in Texas, there was no hitting or shooting.  Possibly amusing to you.

As to - some aspects are RL and may be scary insofar as this stage of life may be to some.  It's not scary here and that's the basis for writing.  Maybe you find some perspective in it.

The Unusual - scientists see something and it relates to something else in some twisted way which leads the scientist to think, hmm, I can go somewhere with this.  The article looks to where they started and what that led them to research.

Brains Are - possibly interesting about the mechanisms of synaptic response in the brain and these are likely familiar to anyone with depressive disorder, uses Prozac or similar SSRI, etc.  The research discovered proteins which have direct bearing on that function.

NASA - a deliciously mysterious picture of the Large Magellanic Cloud and hints of Big Mysteries within it.

Burn the Church - unknown how Joel Osteen hangs in as he's still likely a one-trick pony

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