Monday, August 8, 2016

Karriere geil Means Career Horny in German

You know the snakes in the corporate world who are concerned about no-one but themselves and will stomp, via the sleaziest possible means, anyone they consider competition.  There was one called Grog Borscht at the bank and no-one trusted him, with good reason.  He wasn't unique as those types of creeps are a dime a dozen and they are the ones Germans call 'karriere geil' (i.e. career horny).

It's probably obvious this came up in the context of Hillary Clinton and that horror has the worst case of karriere geil we have ever seen.  It's not surprising she pulls a majority even when Millennials loathe her and understand the reasons they should loathe her.  Likely the Cellulite Queens of Facebook did it because, hey, she has boobs.  The last thing they gave us was the Arab Spring so their (cough) successes keep rolling forward.

As noted yesterday, obesity has been shown to cause rapid brain aging, much faster than the rate for normal people.  Starting to understand the election yet?   (Citations:  Red Orbit is easier to read in Overweight people’s brains age more rapidly, study finds while Neurobiology of Aging is a bit more difficult with the original abstract in Obesity associated with increased brain-age from mid-life)

Evidence via MRI:

Looks like fat people are jolly because they're too far gone to be able to manage anything else.

The study doesn't differentiate overweight from obesity so it seems many are screwed without even breaking the rules that much.

(Ed:  the premise is Hillary Clinton is getting elected due to physical brain atrophy?)

Remarkable perspicacity, Doctor Casey.


Anonymous said...

She is prone to seizures and anxiety attacks. I think she is not healthy enough to lead this country. Yes we know all the other reasons she should not lead this country.

Anonymous said... you think thats the worst a person can be? Pretty mean comment.....

Unknown said...

Perhaps you missed the fact the evidence came from scientists and politician is easily the worst any human can be.