Friday, August 19, 2016

Just Because We Love You

We won't post the naked pic of Angela Merkel and it appears authentic since it's kind of old-timey and only a Photoshop master can manipulate those.  However, I can tell you she was quite the comely lass and she was enjoying a day at a nude beach somewhere in Europe.  She carried maybe a few more grams than her two pals but that made her a well-rounded woman and definitely not one of the anorexic child tinker toys so often made stars in America.  All the while, those child tinker toys beseech the fans to understand no, no, no, I don't believe in fat shaming.

Note:  being round like a bowling ball does not constitute well-rounded.

Facebook prudes can't handle it and, frankly, we've had it with Facebook prudes and this bullshit about how they do it all for the children.  What responsible parent lets a kid use that piece of shit in the first place.  If a kid wants to see his friend, tell him to get off his lazy ass and pedal his little bicycle over there.

Trying to find what turned America into such a hellhole of sexual repression started at first to be a question of what did it to the world.  My thought was the Garden of Eden myth demonized sexuality and we were unfucked forever because of that but it's not true.

As nearly as can be determined in discussion with people with a deep knowledge of Scripture and respect for it is the repression came from the American Puritans who may well have been the most hateful people who ever walked the Earth.  If you ever wanted a good reputation for white people in America, those Indian-killing, witch-burning hell demons were poor specimens to send.

That result was a surprise to me since it really wasn't my purpose to throw it on America because I see Muslims loaded to the gunwales with sexual repression so I thought Christianity was at fault in the same way.

(Ed:  Christians never advocated clitoral obliteration to 'dim her sexual desires' as stated by a Russian Imam in the last few days and damn that evil bastard until he explodes into flames.)

Fair enough but it's not a contest and instead a review to discover who boned America in the backside and created all the tee-hee sexuality in which, gee whiz, I saw a boobie.  As I said, it was a surprise to find, in review with others, America did it to itself and that's why Angela Merkel can walk nude on a beach in Europe without it being a big deal but I've mentioned already God hates white people and he shows it by giving us a far higher incidence of skin cancer so a burqini is a wiser choice.

(Dagwood:  but then I don't get to see boobies!)

Sit down, Dagwood.  You're a fucking cartoon and you won't ever see boobies.

(Ed:  England is just as much of a bumfry as America on that!)

What's a bumfry?

(Ed:  a bum with highway access)

Ah, well, England was the source of the Puritans but they apparently didn't manage to purge all of them so along came Queen Victoria to bury England in the sexual stone age forever too.

(Ed:  this isn't too funny!)

Get over it.  This is hilarious to Euros.

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