Thursday, August 18, 2016

Buspirone, Anti-Anxiety Med, Pronounced Benign By the Rockhouse

Drugs which will toy with my mind are a deadly fear and almost all of the downs / opiates / anti-depressants / mood enhancers, etc fall in that category.  Some are so strong people take another to offset the hangover and welcome to addiction from that.  Mood enhancers are popularly known as 'pecker wreckers' due to the probability of impotence while using them but that's actually the smallest of the problems they create.

Perhaps amusingly, Buspirone or it's popular name Buspar (unknown why that would be popular) is said to improve problems with impotency from SSRI drugs (i.e. pecker wreckers).  If I notice I'm walking about with a constant case of priaprism, I will be sure to let you know but, thus far, the wood is no more interested in the world than the rest of me corpus.

The dose is 10 mg which is the second lowest typically prescribed.  I did notice a mild effect from 5 mg since I was too chicken to take the whole tab and I split it.  Any idea I abuse drugs is false and I've abused them plenty but mostly that was finding out what they do because there was no particular source of truth in the sixties and there may be even less now.  Sciencers or people posing as sciencers were saying LSD causes chromosome breakage.  I know a whole lot of people who dropped buckets of acid and nary a one of them cranked out any bug-eyed green people for progeny.

Once I knew a drug was toxic, I stayed away from it although I did tangle with coke for longer than I should.  I've never found any harm in ganja or hallucinogens but I'm deeply-suspicious of anything else.

This type of anxiety isn't any particular fear but my mind spins like a circus carousel which tries to be a centrifuge and it's cool to watch but I'd like it to slow down enough for sleep every so often.  I know it's the same with at least some of you and rigid slip patterns can help with it but there is zero pattern to sleep here and, for various reasons, a pattern is improbable.

There's anxiety of sorts from the latest surgical lesions as those bitches hurt.  They take up wide areas and the dermo docs cauterized all of it.  Eventually the result of that goes but that which remains tries so desperately to make new skin ... except all of it just got burned off (larfs).   Those sites get as sensitive as your mother in a porno shop because she damn sure doesn't want to be there and she would rather burn in a fire before going to one with you.  There's stuff known in the Rockhouse as the 'hydrophilic goo' and this stuff is a soothing blessing.

Buspirone has some major advantages since it doesn't give any discernible pleasure and it doesn't have any major sedating effect.  The effect earlier didn't yield any serious sleep but rather in/out dozing.  That was at 5 mg twice at maybe four of five hour intervals.  I didn't notice any reduction in fascination with science articles and it would have pissed me off if I did.  That's one of the biggest reasons I hated Paxil and the like since I didn't give much of a fuck about anything and I couldn't even make myself give a fuck, nothing really mattered that much.  Those drugs are total horrors and I won't go near them.

It's tempting to take the full 10 mg now since that's well within prescribed limits of the drug but that's a dumb thing for the sake of an experiment and I put it back.  In part that was a test of 'will you put it back' so, yep, check on that one.

(Ed:  why should addiction even matter at your age?)

It really doesn't but there's still the view of a mind in chains and nothing is worth that.

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