Tuesday, August 2, 2016

"Are You Lonesome Tonight" - Sam Kinison (video)

Sam Kinison was one of America's best comedians until some drunkie redneck killed him with his car.

You're four times more likely to be killed by a drunkie American in a car than by a lunatic gunner with an AK-47 although the loons still score over eleven thousand kills every year.

Yah, and these people worry about ISIS which hardly ever does anything.  Those are the real terrorists, see?

Kinison was one of the best.  I went to his live act with my wife and a couple of friends.  The friends were stone-faced the entire evening and it became clear later the wife had considered at one time becoming a nun.

Whoops (larfs).

That was the last time we ever went out together but double dates suck anyway, right??  It's hard to tell if that crew looks for a party or wants to play bridge, the only thing in the world more boring than golf or cricket.

(Ed:  canasta?)

Fair enough.

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