Monday, June 13, 2016

Men Should Be the Pretty Ones

For any other creatures on Earth, the spectacular one is almost always the male.  Usually, the female will look kind of drab, at best the female will look about the same and they hardly ever look better.

We don't get if the reversal of that only happened with humans since other apes don't dress up too much so we don't know.  For birds, fish, or just about any animal, we see fancy pants males but not too many fancy pants females.

When we do see human fancy pants males like Prince or Hendrix, people go, ooh ah, how daring to be, ooh, so androgynous and, yeah, it was but why.  Here at the Rockhouse, we wonder instead how all the other males got so timid in their downtown suits with power ties.  Suits aren't usually the sign of leaders but rather of gangsters.

You can tell the ones in suits are just commoners among the rich because any time some monarch wants to look regal he will have a hat and that fookin' hat will have plumes.  He will be powerful and he will be fookin' beautiful.  I am the Breeder King and I can have sex with any woman I want because I have the best hat and you are therefore my subjects.

wtf, it works with all the other animals; the one with the most dramatic plumage is the Breeder King.

(Ed:  what about mountain sheep.  The Breeder King has to beat all hell out of the other males to get the title and the babes.  They run at each other and crash head-first into each other's skulls.  Mountain sheep think that's really sexy.)

Well, maybe they're like redneck gunners since they too play mucho macho muchacho with each other all the time.  They get drunk, one of them gets shot, and survival of the new redneck Breeder King goes on.  It's evolution in action.

Society went to hell because men aren't beautiful anymore.  Men should be able to sit around doing nothing except periodically arising for vehicle maintenance and then returning to a position of repose.  We should be left to be beautiful instead of being tasked with cutting grass.  Women want the beautiful lawn so let them cut it.

Lion males are beautiful and they don't do anything.  The females do the hunting.  The male's only jobs are to give the females lion king sex and to fight off other males who think they will be lion king instead of him.  Otherwise, he only has to sit around being regal.

Men forget things like this, see.  If men were more like lions, the females would not only prepare the food, they would also go off to catch it while the male lolls around on the couch watching NASCAR. All of the animal kingdom works this way so it must be the natural order of things.

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