Sunday, May 8, 2016

We Still Give Love But We Have No Expectation of Receiving It

And thanks always for the fish!

For all homeless American veterans about whom only Bernie Sanders speaks but it falls on deaf ears: the country doesn't give a fuck.  It will get hugely weepy around a military cemetery but the country's only action after that is to send more to get killed.  Obviously America hates its own and how much more evidence could you possibly need.

Love is pointless in America because most don't know what the word means except in terms of their own narcissism.  Nevertheless, y'all can throw all the hatefulness you like and it will make no difference.   It's been going on for about three years now and we might even ask why but it's pointless because they don't even know, it becomes a habit with them.

You can't kill my love and you will never kill my smile.  After so long trying, that much should be obvious.  I don't need reefer to control my anger as I do it myself because America never will.  Too bad it's not a lesson I can teach anyone else and likely I would not do it anyway because someone would stab me while I tried.

Fuck The Army!

It's May 8 and Army Freedom Day, something I have celebrated since 1972 but there's never freedom from the Army because it's the most gnawing cancer in the country.  Y'all have judged me for forty-four years and done more damage than your limited imaginations will allow you to realize.  I won't forget who gets savaged by the military but America does it easily and it becomes nothing more than glib memes on Facebook.

Another blog is being built and select people will be advised of it.  That blog will never be connected to Facebook.  With a new Twitter account, there's no chance you will ever find me without a geiger counter and a clever dog.

(Ed:  I knew you were a terrorist!)

Relax, asshole.  I don't carry anything radioactive but rather I am radioactive already.

My corpus will be burned and there will be nothing left to find anyway.

It's easy to hide in America.  Just go to Delaware where the Clintons have their tax shelters and they have hidden millions of dollars until they were recently busted for it along with about 238,000 others for using the same house as an 'honest' place of business.  America doesn't care about corruption, it encourages it.  That building is legal.

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