Friday, May 20, 2016

"The Singers Sing"

It's been quiet here the last few days
now the King's gone off to war.
The Queen is in the fields
where she sings as she plants corn.
The Minstrel plays in the distance
he sings we don't want your bloody war
but the Police quickly find him
and we won't hear him anymore.

The Singers sing, the children play,
in all these things, a Summer's day
Wildflowers grow, shy deer nearby,
Not a question, no reason why
It's now when we would frolic
It's the life here we rejoice
There's no reason we will give these things away
unless faced with no other choice

The Police come next for the Singers
but they don't know what to do
The Singers sing pure of love and peace
It has nothing to do with you
They want to stop the infernal singing
It's just soma for your minds
but the People just aren't listening
those words are simple and unkind

In time the Police just go away
The King has stopped his ruinous war
But the Queen is still in her fields
where she still sings as she plants corn.
The Minstrel then starts singing
Damn to Hell your evil war
But this time no-one stops him
and there's an ever-growing roar

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